Chapter 6 - Team Chemistry

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[Ooarai Girls High School - Garage]

"Excuse me Hoshino-san can you help me with the tracks?" Ken asked

"Sure thing Ken-kun wait a sec" Hoshino replied

"Ono-san Ono-san can you please teach me your technique on how to reload faster please!" Noriko pleaded

"Technique you say hmmm but I really don't do anything special though"

"Takebe-san can you please teach me how to be a better radioman" Hajime asked

(Saori's heart skipped a beat when Hajime asked for some help)

"Ehem..well then it can't be helped that you need me the great Saori-san to help you Hajime-kun!"

(Countless chatters can be heard inside the garage and in the training fields ever since the boys arrived)

"It's only been 4 days since they arrived and they already have good relationships with the girls" Anzu said

"I say that's a great thing cause we need teamwork to win!" Yuzu added

"We only have 3 days left before the draw lots begin for the tournament" Momo informed them

"Don't worry guys we'll be fine now that the team is stronger than before and we have Gero now" Miho said from behind

(Miho looked towards the field where Gero and Rabbit Team were talking)

"I heard a lot about you Rabbit Team also known as the Heavy Tank Killers!"

"That's us alright! So you can count us Gero-san if you need any help!" said Azusa

"I'll be sure to rely on you all Azusa-san, Karina-san, Yūki-san, Ayumi-san, Saki-san, and Aya-san!"

(The 6 girls were amazed on how Gero had memorized all their names quickly)

"Ohhh that's amazing Gero-san you've memorized our names in no time!" Karina said

"Just got lucky on that hahaha!"

"That guy's memorization skills is outrageous and he calls it luck" Momo said

"I think it's amazing Momo-chan!" Yuzu said

"Don't call me Momo-chan!"

(Miho heard about the memorization part and was wondering to herself)

"Outrageous memorization? But yesterday when I told him the parts needed to maintain the Tiger I he had me repeat it several times before he could remember all.." Miho thought

"Nishizumi-chan? What's wrong?" Anzu asked

"'s nothing kaichou must be my imagination"

"Well then let's call it a day shall we?"

"Agreed, everyone Otsukaresama Deshita!"

"Otsukaresama Deshita!" replied the team

(Gero approaches Miho)

"Miho! Are you free right now? Want to grab a bite?"

"E-eh? Right now? B-but-"

"Do you have plans already?"

"N-no..sure let's go"

"Alright! Thank you Miho!"

(The two went out together and they don't know they're being followed)

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