Kuromorimine Arc: Chapter 76 - Evil

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[Inside Devil's Mountain]

(As the plane circled around Alonso prepped the packages by the cargo bay doors of the plane. RYOBU and KSK now made their way towards the room of the children to save them. Gero was in the lead of the group and ran as fast as he could towards the door)

"Alisa-san! Please unlock it!"

"Unlocking the door now!"

(As Gero was waiting for the door to fully open he felt searing pain in his head again. It wasn't pain from the possession but pain from his brain damage. The pain was so intense that it made him lose focus. Enough for him to fail to notice the silhouette of a person when the door opened. The person lunged forward holding a piece of steel aimed at Gero. He was so out of focus that the only thing he felt was the cold steel piercing his flesh as both of them fell on the floor. Tsuneo just witnessed his son get stabbed in front of him and even he couldn't contain his voice)

"GERO!" his father shouted

"Taichou!" Naomi shouted

"Get off him now!" Kal shouted

(When RYOBU and KSK aimed their weapons at the person that stabbed Gero they didn't shoot because they saw Gero wave his hands at them signaling them to hold fire)

"Don't shoot!"

"Gero!" Ono shouted

"I'm fine.."

(Gero slowly sat up and showed them that his left hand caught the blade and pierced through his hand. He was able to stop the force of the stab just an inch before it reached his chest. The person that stabbed Gero suddenly stood up by the door of the room and extended his arms)

"Get away from the door!" Lt. Kurt shouted

"Stand down Kurt..he's not going to hurt anybody..right?"

(When Kurt got a good look at the person he realized that it was just a kid. He had the same ragged clothes and no shoes. He was shivering in fear and his hair was long enough to reach his back)

"nicht schießen.." the boy spoke in German

[Don't shoot..]

"Everyone lower your weapons.."

"Tu ihnen nicht weh.."

[Don't hurt them..]

(Everyone then saw that the boy was just trying to protect the kids inside the room. The boy looked at them and he had no light in his eyes. Gero was shocked to notice that the boy was Japanese)

"No way..he's japanese?!" Takashi reacted

"It's going to be ok..we won't hurt you..we're here to save you.."

"..." the boy was unresponsive at first

"Can you understand me?"


"What's your name?"


"Alright Kin-kun..I'm going to walk towards you now ok? Don't be afraid.."

(Slowly Gero walked towards the boy named Kin and he hugged him. Kin was surprised and he didn't know how to react. But soon he hugged Gero back and started to cry knowing that they were now safe)

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