Kuromorimine Arc: Chapter 84 - Wolfpack

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[Red Wings Tank Formation]

(Shiori and the rest of Red Wings now arrived at the location where Takayuki and the rest were waiting only to find two of their tanks white flagged. She was already in a very bad mood after what Gero did in the first few minutes of the match and this just added more fuel to the fire)

"Care to explain how the hell did this happen? My orders were to find their tank formation and follow them..not to engage them.." Shiori said

"Yes well when we managed to catch up to them then I ordered these guys to observe them from here..but apparently these guys had other orders to follow.." Takayuki said

"Orders from who?" Shiori asked

"From Kaede-sama.."

(Shiori was very shocked knowing that her sister gave orders to her team without her knowledge. It was unacceptable to her because it was very insulting. Shiori walked in front of the tankers that were ordered by Kaede and looked at them with rage. These guys were the same people that Alice wrecked during the Exhibition Games)

"Who said you could take orders from her? Do I have to remind you who is the commander of this team?" Shiori said

"F-Forgive us S-Shiori-sama.."


"N-None other than Yamato Shiori-sama!" the tanker saluted in fear

"Now get out of my sight.."

(The tankers now walked back to the staging area since their tanks were now white flagged. Shiori was calming herself down after her rage and was thinking of the next step to do)

"What now commander?" Takayuki asked

"We'll cross to the other side and pursue them..we'll make this into a close quarters engagement because we're in a disadvantage in range.."

"They also have those Jagdpanthers and Jagdtiger.."

"Jagdpanthers? New tanks?" Shiori asked

"They've used it in the past but this is the first time they've fielded them in this tournament..those can one shot kill our Jumbos from the side with their 88mm.." Takayuki said

"How nice of them to use those tanks just for us..anyways see to the repairs and will move out.."

"Yes commander.."

(As Takayuki left to check on their tanks Shiori brought out her phone and called someone)

[Seven Seats of Senshado Viewing Platform]

(As they watch Kuromorimine pull back to safety Kaede suddenly received a call from Shiori via cellphone)

"Hello?" Kaede answered

"Hello onee-sama..don't ever order my team to do anything again..I am the commander and you are not..if you do this again I'll never forgive you.." Shiori said

"I understand..forgive me Shiori.."

(Without saying another word Shiori just dropped the call)

"This is your lucky day..if something had happened to Erika..I too would've killed you on the spot right now.." Maho threatened Kaede

"Calm down Maho-san..both Erika and your brother are safe now.." Darjeeling said

"Listen well Yamato Kaede..try one more of these tricks and it won't end well for you." Naomi said

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