International Arc : Chapter 106 - A Worthless Life and A Life's Worth

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[Abandoned Desert City - Sahara Desert]

(On the right side of the city Lt. Amari and his team were laying in wait for the last T-55, They also planted an IED in the middle of the road and were ready for the tank to pass by. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned since the last T-55 stopped right before it reached the IED. Then it fired a shot at the road and detonated the buried IED on purpose. The shockwave from the explosion knocked down Amari and his team)

"Amari to Huntress, the plan has failed! I repeat the plan failed, the IED was shot by the tank before it reached the trap!"

"Nana! Get out of there now! A tank is headed for your location!"

(Gero looked at the T-55 pointing its 100mm gun at them. He took the pistol given to him by Nana and started shooting the tank. The bullets from the pistol were like pebbles to the armor of the tank. He was down to the last bullet and when he fired the T-55 tanks suddenly burst into flames and blew up.)

"DARLING! EIJI-KUN! RO-CHAN! GERO-KUN!" voices were suddenly heard from Nana's radio

"Those voices.."

(Gero then looked on top of one of the sand dunes and saw a lone Olifant Mk2 MBT. It was equipped with a 105mm (L7) GT3B semi-automatic quick firing cannon equipped with a thermal gunner sight with laser rangefinder. The hatches on the tank slowly opened and four girls emerged from within. They were none other than Kay, Darjeeling, Mika, and Kaede.)

"You girls..why..why are"

"We came as fast as we could..I'm sorry we're late, Eiji-kun.." Kaede said with a sad face

"Why..are you..apologizing? You just..saved..our lives...better late...than..never..right?"

"I knew it was you girls..even after I told you to stay back with the team.." Erika smiled

"But..but..we were so worried!" Kay continued to cry

"I know..thank you very much for saving them!" Erika bowed

(After the girls arrived with their Olifant tank the situation had calmed down and no more enemies appeared. The Boko Haram forces suffered 121 casualties and 17 surrendered including Abu Usaamah. The self proclaimed MI6 agents that kidnapped Gero also surrendered but only 5 survived including Bowe. On the other hand, RYOBU suffered no casualties and the African Special Forces incurred 12 wounded but were already treated by Nana)

"Everyone! If anyone's hungry or thirsty we brought along some food and drinks!" Kaede announced

"Eat up everyone! Thank you very much for your hard work and for saving Gero-kun!" Darjeeling said

(The girls then unloaded a duffle bag from the tank filled with onigiris and a cooler filled with ice cold drinks. Everyone was so happy for the food and accepted it with smiles on their faces. They started bonfires to keep warm from the cold night)

"Star-1 and 2 come down here and eat up! We have already set up the drone for surveillance to keep an eye out on our surroundings!" Erika radioed

"Roger!" both replied

"Oh! Amir! Long time no see!"

"It really has been a long time, commander Gero! I'm saddened that this is how we would meet and talk again."

"Same here, once we get out of this desert, let's have a drink with the rest of the team!"

"Haha, that sounds like a great idea!"

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