Kuromorimine Arc: Chapter 57 - Battle of the Eldest

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[North Side of the Desert]

(The main unit of Kuromorimine and Jatkosota were fighting on the other side and Jatkosota was being pushed back)

"Kommandant! They're on the run!" Tojo shouted

"Good! My team will continue to push them back while Bakatora's team will head on to flank them!" Erika shouted

"Jawohl!" everyone replied

"Looks like the tides have changed when that loud music on our radios stopped.." Leila said

"Is that even allowed? They basically hacked our radio frequency.." Sheska said

"There are loopholes within the rule book and it said nothing about having us listen to their absurdly loud song is a violation of the rules.." Rin said

"What do you think, Kommandant?" Suzu asked


(Erika was in deep thought the whole time and was worried about Alice and Gero)

"If the music stopped..then it means Mika let go of her Kantele and started fighting seriously.." Erika said in her thoughts

"We're getting a transmission from Hajime-kun!" Leila said

"What is it? Are they alright?" Sheska asked

"They're fine..but.." Leila was in shock

"But what?" Rin asked

"Alice-chan..was defeated by the BT-42.." Leila said

(Erika and her crew was shocked by this transmission)

"Then..that means Gero-san is now fighting alone against that tank alone?!" Sheska shouted

(Erika then got out of her cupola and looked at the direction where Gero was but couldn't see anything for they were far away)

"Gero.." Erika said in her thoughts

"What now Erika-chan?" Leila asked

"We'll finish up the remaining stragglers of Jatkosota then head straight for the flag tank's position asap!"

"Jawohl!" her crew said

[Flash Back 12 Years Ago - Shimada Household]

(Gero was 7 years old and Mika was 4 years and were playing together while Alice who was just a year old was watching them both)

"Ro-chan! Let's duel again! I'll win this time!" Mika said

"Alright Mi-chan! Back to back now! We will walk ten steps then turn around and shoot!"

(Both of them went back to back holding their toy pistols and started walking and counting)



(As they counted up while walking Alice was just looking at them and was thinking of how cool her Nee-chan and Nii-chan are)




(This part is when the young Mika and Gero turned around and aimed their toy pistols at each other then the scene transitions into the present duel now where Mika and Gero are older and wearing their tanker uniforms and instead of toy pistols they are now aiming with their tanks)

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