Special OVA: Chapter 91 - One Became Two

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[Berlin, Germany - One Year After Graduation]

(It has been 12 months and 2 weeks since Gero flew to Germany together with Erika to receive treatments for his brain injury. They have been living together ever since in their own apartment and go to college together everyday. Their morning starts by Gero doing his best to wake Erika up)

"Erika..hey Erika..time to wake up my love.."

"Hmmm..? Five more minutes.."

"You said that 5 minutes ago..come on or else we're going to be late.."

(Erika then slowly sits on the bed while still being covered with a blanket. She looks at Gero with angry eyes for her sleep being interrupted)

"I hate you Bakatora..being a little late wouldn't be so bad.."

"Yes yes..here I made breakfast in bed..let's eat together.."

(As the amazing and delicious scent of the food that Gero made entered Erika's nose her angry face immediately turned into a smile and a blush)

"I love you so much my Bakatora.."

"I love you too my Kommandant.."

"Nyaa~!" Weiss greeted both of them

"We love you too Weiss!" Erika smiled

(Both of them ate peacefully together, got dressed and then eventually headed for the university they are studying in. For safety purposes Gero had enrolled himself under the name of "Tsukasa Gero" using the last name of his previous identity but his real given name. This is to avoid any possibility of Pandora targeting the university and locating him. Nobody else except for Erika and Alonso knows his true identity as the Nishizumi Heir or the White Tiger. Because of this their first year of university life was very peaceful and they are now in their second year of college. They went to school by day and commanded special forces units by night at the command and control center. Walking side by side not worrying about a thing as they arrive at the front gate of their university and they were greeted by two German girls that was their classmates)

"Guten Morgen Erika-sama!" said the girl on the left

"Erika-sama! A great morning to you!" said the girl on the left

"Guten Morgen Ilse! Ingrid!" Erika smiled as she greeted them both

"I'm also here you know.."

"Oh sorry I didn't notice you were here.." Ilse teased

"I'm pretty sure you just ignored me!"

"Erika-sama, why are you always with this old guy? You should hang out with us more often!" Ingrid said

"I'm her boyfriend that's why!"

(These two feisty girls are Ilse and Ingrid the twin daughters of Alonso and also the Kommandants of the German Tankery Team. They knew about Erika since they saw her video during the Joint Senshado Tournament. They were admired by her skills as a Kommandant and have been big fans of her ever since. Both of them are the same age as Alice Shimada who is 15 years old this year and they are geniuses that skipped grades just like her. Not to mention they hate Gero because he is Erika's boyfriend as well)

"I see the twins are giving you hell as always.." a third German girl said behind them

"Beatrisa-senpai! Guten Morgen!" Erika greeted

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