Kuromorimine Arc: Chapter 58 - Friendly Rumors

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[Kuromorimine University High School - Student Council Office]

(Gero and the rest were having a meeting regarding their previous match and about the information Maho gathered from watching the Ooarai and Red Wings match)

"That was an amazing match..I expected nothing less from you.." Shiho smiled

"Thanks okaa-chan..I wish I could say the same for Ooarai..how's Miho-chan?"

"She's alright..just sad that she didn't reach the quarter finals and missed the chance to be able to fight you onii-sama.." Maho said

"But still..Jumbos? And an Easy Eight? Red Wings sure have some frightening firepower.." Erika said

"That's the thing..their tanks aren't the scary part.." Maho said

"What do you mean?"

"From the start of the match up to the middle both teams were on a stalemate..Miho was able to predict every attempt of Red Wings on their flag tank and was able to stop them..and at the same time all their attempts to take down the flag tank of Red Wings was stopped.." Maho said

"I guess Miho and Yamato Shiori are evenly matched.." Erika said

"I thought so too..but then it all suddenly changed.."

"Changed? In what way?"

"That girl..Yamato Shiori..was suddenly two steps ahead of Miho on every engagement that had after they entered the urban area.." Maho said

"Maybe they're just great at fighting close quarters?" Erika asked

"No they're not because this was their second fight inside an urban area..and the first fight was definitely not the same as the second one..it was too one sided.." Maho said

"That would be the true strength of the Yamatos..right okaa-chan?"

"Yeah.." Shiho responded

"True strength?" Erika asked

"As you all know there are three great Senshado Families..Yamatos, Shimadas, and us Nishizumis..each have their own teachings and skills..both the Nishizumi Family and Shimada Family have different categories of skills..but the Yamato Family only has one..and it's a natural skill.."

"Natural?" Erika asked

"He means that it is inborn..it is a skill that they have the moment they are born..it's not something you can achieve by hard work.." Shiho said

"And that is?" Maho asked

"The skill to overwhelm their opponents no matter how strong they are.."

(Both Erika and Maho were surprised at how ridiculous this skill is)

"Basically the stronger their opponent..the more dangerous and the more skilled they become.."

"You mean that match with Ooarai..the reason they lost because Miho was starting to beat them?!" Maho reacted

"Remember I told you about me fighting the Yamato Master and almost lost to her? That was because every time I was about to deal a finishing blow..at the very last moment she becomes so strong and unpredictable it's crazy..very destructive offense and impregnable defense.." Shiho said

"But you still won, right Headmistress? How did you beat her?" Erika asked

"I got lucky..during that time Yamato Mai wasn't exactly sure what was happening either..her mind couldn't keep up with her body..in the end I found a blind spot in her defense and took her out..." Shiho explained

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