Chapter 2: Telling the news part 1 ( Thrushpelt)

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.Enjoy the story!
" Speech"
' Flashback"

Bluefur padded out of the medicine cat
den, feeling confused, worried, and excited at the same time.I am expecting kits. But... Who is the father? Oakheart? I can tell him at the next Gathering. Or Thrushpelt? I should tell him later today. I can't wait to see what the kits look like. I hope at least one of them will look like Oakheart. I still don't know how many I will have.

She padded to the fresh kill pile, taking a vole out of it and starting to eat. I have to watch what I eat during the pregnancy so my kits will be healthy. How much, what prey I can eat, and how often. I hope that the kits will grow up into fine warriors, possibly one of them could be the leader or deputy of ThunderClan one day. She thought, purring slightly.

Rosetail noticed the blue grey she-cat eating and padded over to her, purring. " How are you, Bluefur? Did you go to see Featherwhisker?" The grey tabby asked, looking at her.

Bluefur nodded, her tail twitching nervously. " Yes, I did go. " She answered, trying to sound calm and collected even though that was far from the truth.

" What did he say? Are you sick?" Rosetail mewed, trying to find out what was going on with Bluefur.

" Oh, no I'm not sick. The reason for why I have been feeling sluggish lately is the fact that I'm going to have kits soon. " Bluefur confessed, sounding like she couldn't believe it herself.

" What?! Kits?! Are they Thrushpelt's? Does he know yet?" Rosetail inquired in a torrent of questions.

" Yowl a little louder, would you,Rosetail? I think that WindClan cats near the Moonstone didn't hear you. " The she-cats heard a drawling voice mew.

Not him. Not now. " Thistleclaw. " Bluefur acknowledged the spiky furred grey and white tom who had been mates with her sister. She tried to hide her distaste for him but couldn't fully.

" So, Bluefur. It sounds like you won't be getting the deputy position when Tawnyspots retires. Sunstar has to choose me. " Thistleclaw smirked, his yellow eyes glinting with his supposed victory.

After Thistleclaw had padded into the warrior's den Bluefur turned to look at Rosetail. " To answer your questions, yes, I'm expecting kits, yes they are Thrushpelt's, and no, he doesn't know yet. I will tell him once I see him. " She told her, tail twitching nervously. What if he doesn't want to raise the kits with me? What should I do then? Give the kits to another queen like Darkbloom? No, her kits will be nearly apprentices by the time I will give birth. White-eye would be a better choice. Her kits are due in about a quarter moon or two. I hope no matter how many kits I will have that they will be friends with her kits. After all, they will be denmates.

Bluefur glanced in the direction of the nursery, seeing that Darkbloom had emerged from the den , her two sons, Speckledkit, a tortoiseshell tom , and Blackkit, a black tom with a white chest and orange eyes, frolicking around her paws in a playfight. Soon that will be me and my kits.

She approached Darkbloom, waving a greeting with her tail. " How are your kits doing today? They seem to be rather energetic. "

" They are both fine. So am I." Darkbloom answered the blue-grey she-cat.

" If you want I can watch them someday. It's going to be a good practice for when my own kits arrive. " Bluefur purred at the thought.

" Congratulations. Is the father Thrushpelt? " The tortoiseshell queen asked, purring.

Bluefur nodded. " Yes, he's. He just doesn't know it yet."

After some time Bluefur noticed Thrushpelt padding toward her, clearly coming back from a border patrol. He looked at her, purring. " Rosetail just congratulated me on becoming a father. She also said that I should take good care of her best friend or she would use my pelt to line her nest. " He told her, sounding both amused and confused.

" Yes, it's true. I am having your kits. " Bluefur answered, purring loudly.

Thrushpelt purred, entwining their tails before licking her lovingly.

Now it's just Oakheart. I hope he will take the news as well as Thrushpelt did. Bluefur thought.

A/N: What do you think? Should Oakheart react similarly to the way Thrushpelt did? Or should he not believe Bluefur, at least not at first?

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