Chapter 7: Rising tensions ( AKA giving up the kits)

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.

" Speech"
' Flashback '

Nearly 2 moons after the birth of her kits Bluefur was sitting in the snow watching them stumble around the camp after Mousekit and Finchkit. Their squeals of joy and excitement rang around. She noticed how Thistleclaw was staring at the medicine cat den , as if he'd be hoping for something.

Probably that Tawnyspots would either die or announce his retirement so he could get the place of deputy instead. The deputy of ThunderClan was sick again and it seemed like this time it was worse than ever before. He looks so frail whenever I see him come out of the medicine cat den.

Bluefur glanced at her kits when she heard Mosskit squeal suddenly, breaking her from her thoughts.

" What is it?" She asked from the small tabby and white shekit.

" Mousekit flung snow on me. "Mosskit told her while shivering from the cold. The older shekit looked at blue grey queen innocently.

" I didn't do it. Finchkit did it. " Mousekit insisted, looking for her brother.

The brown tabby tomkit glared at his sister. " No, you did it. " He argued.

" Calm down, kits. No one got hurt or anything, right? But Mousekit, please be more careful when playing around with the younger kits. " White-eye told her kits as she padded over to the group, confirming Bluefur's suspicions. She must have seen or heard it.

The pale grey queen looked at her kits, her blind eye glinting in the sunlight.

" I know what you did , Mousekit. As a punishment, you will have to spend the rest of the day in the nursery. " White-eye told her daughter.

Mousekit glared at her mother. " I will not do it. "

White-eye looked at her, before nudging her towards the nursery. " Yes, you will. "

After a few moments of pouting the brown shekit padded into the nursery.

" She's for sure a trouble maker. " White-eye muttered, more to herself than for anyone else.

Bluefur purred. " Aren't all kits trouble makers at that age?"

White-eye nodded. " I still remember when Moonflower found you and Snowfur in the medicine cat den when you were kits. I was so sure that she'd give you two an earful. "

Bluefur didn't reply. That was one of the few times I saw her angry.

White-eye purred, watching the kits stumble around.

" They are surprisingly energetic today." The two heard the voice of Stormtail mew as the blue-grey tom padded to the nursery. He's here to check on Dappletail, again.

The tortoiseshell and white queen was so close to kitting that Bluefur thought that she'd explode if she wouldn't give birth soon.

A day after that Bluefur was padding to the fresh kill pile, when she noticed Thistleclaw staring at her.

" What do you want?" Bluefur asked. The question sounded more of a hiss.

" Oh,nothing from you. Just that you stop chasing the deputy position, because Sunstar will never choose a queen with such young kits as yourself to be the next possible leader of the Clan. " The grey and white tom told her, his voice threateningly smooth, like a flowing river or dripping water.

" Is that a threat?" Bluefur hissed, her hackles rising slightly.

" No, of course, it's not a threat. It's a promise. " Thistleclaw purred.

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