Chapter 13: Gathering and trouble with ShadowClan

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.

" Speech"
Thoughts, dreams
' Flashback'

A few days after her kits had been apprenticed Bluefur padded out of the warrior's den, purring when she saw Icepaw and Wrenpaw walking over to her with a ball of moss in their jaws and another tucked under their chins.

" Moss gathering is so dull. " Wrenpaw muttered, spitting out the moss ball she had been carrying.

" It might be dull but it teaches you how to use your claws properly. I remember how my first mentor, Stonepelt, taught me. " Bluefur told her daughter, purring at the memory.

Later that day Bluefur was on a morning border patrol with Softflower, Patchpelt, Thrushpelt and Blackpaw. As the patrol advanced closer to the shared border with ShadowClan the strong scent of pine needles and something else got stronger than usual and seemed to be closer to the patrol than it should have been.

" Do you smell that? Did some cat from ShadowClan cross the border by accident?" Blackpaw mewed from the back of the patrol.

" No,it's not just a scent of one cat , it's at least two different ones, maybe even three. " Thrushpelt mewed after tasting the air.
A patrol? It would be a rather bold move from ShadowClanners to try and take even a pawstep of our territory.

" And there's no scent of prey blood or any signs of that a cat has killed a prey animal. " Softflower agreed with the sandy grey tom.

Bluefur nodded. " We should tell Sunstar about this so he can bring it up at the Gathering tonight. " She suggested.

After the patrol Bluefur padded into the leader's den, noticing that the orange tom was at his nest, eating a mouse.

" Sunstar, I have something to tell you. " Bluefur mewed with a slightly worried tone.

It caused Sunstar to look up from his meal. " What is it, Bluefur?" He asked.

" When I was on the border patrol with Softflower, Thrushpelt, Blackpaw and Patchpelt we found ShadowClan scent inside our side of the border. According to Thrushpelt, there had been two or three cats, a small patrol perhaps. " Bluefur explained.

" Was there any scent of prey or blood of a prey animal or fur or feathers in the ground or any other markings? It could be a situation where a patrol was chasing a bird and it flew over the Thunderpath. " Sunstar asked.

" No, there wasn't. Just the scent markers. " Bluefur told him.

Sunstar nodded thoughtfully. " I see. I will bring it up tonight at the Gathering. "

Later that day Sunstar called a Clan meeting.

" As all of us know tonight is the Gathering. The cats who will be going are Thistleclaw, Featherwhisker, Spottedleaf, Goldenflower , Bluefur, Slatecrack , Softflower, Rosetail, Blackpaw, Robinwing, Sparrowpelt , Icepaw, Wrenpaw and Sandypaw." Sunstar listed the Gathering patrol.

Later that night as the patrol was getting ready to leave Bluefur overheard that her kits were talking amongst themselves excitedly.

" I can't wait to meet everyone from the other Clans. I bet that the warriors know some cool fighting moves. " Icepaw mewed, kneading the ground beneath his paws excitedly.

Icepaw's mentor, Robinwing looked at him sternly. " Remember that during the Gathering there is a truce so no fighting. You don't want to anger StarClan, do you?" She mewed, looking at the young apprentice.

" N -no, I don't. " Icepaw muttered, gulping slightly at the thought of angering his ancestors.

As the patrol progressed to Fourtrees the excitement of the new apprentices was palpable.

The patrol crested the hill and walked down to the Gathering hollow. The three other Clans were already there.

As Sunstar, Thistleclaw and the medicine cats took their positions either on the Great Rock or at the foot of it the rest of  the patrol mingled with the other Clans.

After some time one of the leaders, Heatherstar, a pale pinkish grey she-cat with blue eyes who was the WindClan leader, stepped in front, starting the Gathering.

After Heatherstar was done with her announcement about a fox her warriors drove away, the leader of RiverClan, Hailstar, stepped forward.

" RiverClan has two new warriors and three new apprentices. Emberpaw and Darkpaw have gained their warrior names and are here now as Darkear and Emberpool. Meanwhile, Stonepaw has started his training under Softwing and his sisters, Mistypaw and Mosspaw are training under Echomist and Sunfish, respectively. " The grey tom announced, purring.

" Emberpool! Darkear! Emberpool Darkear! Mistypaw! Stonepaw! Mosspaw! Mistypaw! Stonepaw! Mosspaw! " The Clans cheered for the new RiverClan warriors and apprentices.

When Bluefur heard the new names of her kits, she looked around the crowd, trying to find them. After a few moments, she saw the trio sitting near their mentors. They look so much like true RiverClan cats now.

After Hailstar, Sunstar stepped forward, his yellow eyes shining in the moonlight.  He turned to look at the ShadowClan leader, Cedarstar. 

" One of our patrols reported that they found the scent of your Clan several paw steps inside our border. Have any of your warriors snuck into our territory?" The orange tom asked from Cedarstar.

The accusation caused the dark grey tom to hiss angrily along with several of his warriors. " Of course not! What would any of ShadowClan's cats need from ThunderClan territory? Your mangy prey? " One of ShadowClan's cats yowled from the crowd.

" No, none of my warriors would do that. They all abide by the Warrior code. " Cedarstar reassured the ThunderClan leader.

Sunstar nodded solemnly. " I see. "

Thistleclaw hissed. " Cedarstar is lying! I smelt a ShadowClan  patrol yesterday in our territory, too!" The ThunderClan deputy yowled causing more hisses from the ShadowClan cats, even from the deputy, Raggedpelt.

" Thistleclaw. Enough. This is a Gathering, remember the truce." Sunstar reprimanded his deputy.

The spiky-furred deputy lashed his tail, hissing slightly before Sunstar continued his announcements.

" On a more positive note, ThunderClan has three new apprentices. Bluefur and Thrushpelt's kits are now here as  Icepaw who is training under Robinwing, Wrenpaw who is training under Rosetail and Sandypaw who is training under Sparrowpelt. " Sunstar announced, purring.

As the Clans cheered the new ThunderClan apprentice names Bluefur purred happily. They will be excellent warriors as they grow up. I know that.

A/N: Why do you think the ShadowClan patrol was in ThunderClan territory? Is Cedarstar lying or unaware of what his warriors are doing behind his back?

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