Chapter 4: New life in the nursery

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.

A  couple of sun rises after the Gathering Bluefur was sitting near the warrior's den, grooming herself. She noticed Dappletail, a beautiful tortoiseshell warrior coming to the camp with a few mice in her jaws. Beside her was Stormtail, Bluefur's father, who was padding so close to the she-cat that their pelts touched. They seem to be rather close. Especially since Dappletail has been mewing about how much she wants kits someday , not to mention with a strong and capable tom.Looks like she think Stormtail is the best choice. Hopefully, he won't neglect her and her kits if they have them, as he did neglect us and Moonflower, Bluefur thought, watching the couple.

The blue grey she-cat was pulled out of her thoughts when Dappletail approached her, purring. " How are you today, Bluefur?" The tortoiseshell asked, looking at her.

" I'm fine if you don't count the fact that I've started to get fat. " Bluefur answered, purring slightly, humor coloring her voice.

Dappletail looked at her, purring at the comment. " You aren't fat. You are going to have kits. " She reminded the younger queen.

" Yeah, at least I haven't had to move to the nursery yet. " Bluefur purred, glancing at the said den.
Dappletail purred. " You still have some time to go until your kits are here. "

Bluefur nodded, purring. " I can't wait to see what they will look like. I'm not as enthusiastic about the thought of being stuck in the nursery for about 8 or 7 moons. " She confessed.
Dappletail purred again. " I can see why."

Later that day  Bluefur was heading to the nursery carrying a few mice and a vole for the queens. She squeezed into the den, noticing that Darkbloom was dozing off while her kits were playing with a small moss ball. The toms were throwing the ball around the den and chasing it. White-eye looked at the pair, purring. " They are energetic for sure. " The pale grey queen said, flicking her tail towards the kits.

Bluefur nodded after putting the prey down. " That they are. " She purred, having watched the kits a couple of times.

White-eye suddenly winced as if she'd be in pain. " Are you alright?" Bluefur asked, looking at her.

The pale grey queen shook her head. " I think... that the kits are coming. Can you fetch Featherwhisker?" She asked, looking at Bluefur.

Bluefur nodded, racing to the medicine cat den. " Featherwhisker, White-eye is kitting!" She panted , looking at the silvery tom who nodded, grabbed a bundle of herbs, and headed to the nursery. After some time he got back out of the den, noticing Bluefur. " Could you bring a stick for her to bite on?" He asked.

Bluefur nodded, remembering  Snowfur's birth. "Of course. " She went to look for one. After finding a suitable one she dragged it back to the nursery looking at Featherwhisker. " Is this good?"

The medicine cat nodded, looking at the stick. " It looks like it could be. Could you also bring some raspberry leaves?" He asked. Bluefur nodded. " They are the ones with serrated edges, right?" She asked before getting an affirmative nod.

Bluefur padded to the medicine cat den before looking through the herb piles, trying to find the raspberry leaves. After finding them she took a few and padded to the nursery.

Featherwhisker was beside White-eye, his paw on the queen's heaving flank.
" Here are the raspberry leaves you asked for. " Bluefur muttered, putting the herbs down. Featherwhisker nodded in acknowledgment. " I asked Spottedpaw to bring some wet moss. " He told Bluefur while keeping his eyes on White-eye. The queen yowled in pain, due to contractions. After a few repeated  contractions, the medicine cat coaxed her to eat the raspberry leaves that had been chewed up into a pulp. White-eye did so slowly.

A while later Bluefur had gone for a walk in the forest with Thrushpelt.

" I hope everything goes well. White-eye and Sparrowpelt will be good parents for their kits. " Thrushpelt mewed, thinking about the pale grey queen who had been his foster sister.

Bluefur nodded, purring. " They will be. "

After the pair got back from the walk , they saw Featherwhisker, who had come out of the nursery.

Bluefur lifted her tail in greeting. " How did it go? Is White-eye okay? How about the kits?" She asked.

" It went well. They are all okay. She had a shekit and tomkit. They named the shekit Mousekit and tomkit Finchkit." Featherwhisker replied purring.

Bluefur purred. " I see. " She felt relieved that everything had been fine.

A/N: Finchkit is the new name I chose for Runningwind.

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