Chapter 8: Lies all around

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.

" Speech"
Thoughts, dreams
' Flashback'

Oakheart padded through the snow while carrying Mosskit in his jaws. Mistykit and Stonekit stumbled beside him, their paws barely breaking the surface of the snow drift.

" Where are we going?" Mistykit asked, looking at him with a nervous expression.

Oakheart put Mosskit down for a heartbeat before replying.

" We are going to RiverClan camp. You will be taken care of by a nice queen named Greypool. " He purred gently.

" But we want Bluefur, not some stupid  RiverClan furball!" Mosskit squeaked at him, sounding nervous at the thought of being taken care of by a she-cat she didn't know.

" Greypool will act like a good mother to you three, I promise that. " Oakheart reassured his daughter gently.

After a while, the small family padded through the reed tunnel leading to the RiverClan camp. Oakheart nudged his kits gently towards one of the dens. " You will love it here. Trust me." He purred.

" Who are you mewing to?" He heard the voice of one of the queens , a light grey she-cat called Shrewwhisker ask. The queen padded out of the den, noticing the kits.

" Why do you have kits with you?" Shrewwhisker asked, staring at the trio with wide eyes.

" I found them while I was hunting. They were abandoned in the snow and their mother was nowhere in sight. " The reddish brown tom told her.

" Why would a queen do such a thing? Poor little ones. They must be scared and hungry. " Shrewwhisker mewed, thinking. My kits are already weaned but Greypool has a lot of milk. And she would hopefully get some solace in taking care of the kits after Splashkit and Morningkit left for StarClan. I know that they won't replace the kits she lost but would help her at least a bit.

Oakheart didn't reply at first but after a few heartbeats, he mewed: " I think the mother didn't want them or didn't have enough milk left. "

Shrewwhisker nodded. " It seems like that. The leaf bare is of the most difficult season to have young kits. "

Oakheart didn't reply, picking Mosskit up and carrying her to the nursery.

Shrewwhisker sniffed Stonekit, picking the tom gently by his scruff, and followed Oakheart.

In the nursery Oakheart nudged Greypool who opened her eyes, blinking at the tom. She then noticed the kit he was carrying.

" Where did you get those kits?" The dark grey queen asked quietly, not wanting to wake her sleeping daughter, nor Shrewwhisker's litter up.

Oakheart told her the same  story as Shrewwhisker, about finding the kits in the snow.

" Warrior Code says that you do not ignore a kit in need and these three need someone to help them. " He mewed pleadingly.

Greypool nodded, sniffing the kits.

" What are their names?" She asked, looking at the kits.

" The reddish brown and white shekit is Moss, the tom is Stone and the pale grey shekit is Misty. " He told her, dropping the suffix -kit from their names on purpose.

" Mosskit, Stonekit and Mistykit. " Greypool purred, licking each of the kits gently before pulling them carefully closer to herself with her tail.

Oakheart watched the kits start to suckle before he left the nursery and headed back to his nest in the warrior's den. I can't believe my kits are here now. I will make sure that they will grow up into great warriors of RiverClan. I promise that. He thought, purring at the thought of getting to spend time with his kits.

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