Chapter 5: Dappletail's news

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.

" Speech"
' Flashback '

Bluefur was sunning herself near the nursery while watching Darkbloom's kits. The tortoiseshell queen had gone for a small walk in the forest with her mate. Blackkit and Speckledkit were play fighting with each other, trying to get the other one to surrender. I hope that my kits will be as energetic as they are,  Bluefur thought.

She had that noticed Dappletail had been a bit sluggish and feeling off lately.
Is she expecting kits? Are they Stormtail's? Or someone else's? If they are Stormtail's it means that they are my half siblings .

Bluefur's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud squeal from Speckledkit. The tortoiseshell tomkit had stepped on a thorn and was wailing in pain. Bluefur bent down, to his level, and saw the end of the thorn poking out of his paw pad. She quickly licked around the thorn, trying to get it out. After a while, the thorn did come out. Bluefur picked it between her teeth, careful not to hurt the kit. After that, she licked the wound to stop the bleeding.

" There you go. All better now. " She purred at the kit who after a moment dashed away to play with his brother again. He's oddly silent for a kit his age. Is there something wrong with him? Can't he speak for one reason or another?

Later that day when Bluefur was dozing off in a spot of sunlight near the entrance of the nursery her slumber was disrupted by Dappletail's joyous yowl. " Really?! I can't wait to tell him that he's going to be a father!" The tortoiseshell warrior purred, sounding like she couldn't contain her excitement.

Bluefur padded out of the nursery, grumbling slightly. When she saw Dappletail she purred slightly. " So, what was the reason for your yowling like a fox was after you?"

Dappletail purred, eyes shining with excitement. " I'm expecting Stormtail's kits! We have been trying for a while and finally, it happened!" She exclaimed, purring still.

" Congratulations. " Bluefur nodded, looking slightly put off at the thought. We will see will Stormtail be a better father for these kits than he was for me and Snowfur,  She thought, not saying it out loud.

Unbeknownst to her Thrushpelt had heard the conversation and padded to her, purring. " What's going on? New kits?" He asked.

Bluefur nodded. " Dappletail is expecting. The kits are Stormtail's. " She explained.

" So they are your half siblings. I'm not sure that he knows that he's about to become a father again." He nodded, looking around for the blue-grey tom.

Later when Bluefur was grooming  herself, she heard a voice calling her name. As she looked in the direction of the voice she noticed her father.

" What is it?" She asked, looking at him.

" Did you know that Dappletail's having my kits?" He asked, purring.

Bluefur nodded. " Yes, I do know. I was the first one she told. "

Stormtail purred. " I can't wait to see what they will look like. "

A/N: Next chapter will be probably the one where Bluefur's kits are born. If you are interested in helping me to come up with names for kits/apprentices from my AU stories, check out my works. :)

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