Chapter 12: RiverClan ceremonies ( and Rainflower's news)

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.

" Speech"
Thoughts, dreams
' Flashback'

Oakheart padded out of the warrior's den beside Hollycloud. He looked around the camp, noticing that his mother  Rainflower, was sitting near the fresh-kill pile, eating a minnow with a white tom who had distinct brown paws and green eyes named  Marshcloud. They had been spending quite a lot of time together in the past few moons. I'm quite sure that they are going to announce that they are mates or expecting soon. I don't know how I would react to it if that would happen.

After eating Oakeheart padded into the apprentice's den to check on his apprentice, Surgepaw. The grey she-cat had gotten her apprentice name about a moon ago with her siblings and had shown herself to be slightly hot-headed yet listened to him whenever he explained something.

I still can't believe that Hailstar would give me an apprentice. He probably gave Surgepaw to me, because Rainflower asked for it, like she did with Shellheart being my mentor, even though he's my father.

' Oakkit was playing with a moss ball, tossing it to Crookedkit who caught it and threw it back to him. "Catch it, Oakkit!" The pale brown tabby tom yowled, nearly shaking with excitement.

The two brothers kept playing until a young black tom with dark amber eyes, Beetlepaw, tossed the ball away from them mid-flight, snickering to himself.

" You two are nearly apprentices, yet you are playing with a moss ball like you would be moon old kits. " Beetlepaw taunted, puffing his chest out importantly. 

He acts like he has been appointed to the leader instead Hailstar, just because he's Beetlepaw's father. At least Volepaw and Petalpaw are nice. Oakkit thought, glaring at the older tom.

Later that day Hailstar called the Clan meeting. Our apprenticeship ceremony starts, Oakkit thought as he and Crookedkit were herded out of the nursery by Rainflower.

" Oakkit, you have reached the age of six moons and it's time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Oakpaw." Hailstar started the ceremony, looking at the newly named Oakpaw.
" Your mentor will Shellheart. He will pass down everything he knows to you. "
The leader continued, turning to look at the deputy, addressing him next. " Shellheart, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have shown yourself to be a courageous, strong, and loyal deputy. I hope you pass everything you know down to Oakpaw. "

Shellheart nodded, purring before touching noses with Oakpaw. " I will make you the best warrior RiverClan has seen, son. " He told the young tom, still purring as the Clan cheered Oakpaw's name. '

Oakheart's thoughts were interrupted by a mew of Mudfur.

" Hailstar is asking for you to come to his den. " The long-haired light brown tom told him, nudging the younger warrior towards the leader's den.

" Probably because he wants to discuss about the mentors for the kits. " Oakheart nodded, purring.

Oakheart padded into the leader's den where Hailstar was already waiting for him.  

" You asked me to come, didn't you? " The reddish-brown tom asked the leader, looking at the mottled grey tom.

" Yes, I did. Have you thought about who should mentor Mosskit, Mistykit and Stonekit?" Hailstar asked Oakheart. 

Oakheart thought for a while before replying. " I'd say Softwing for Stonekit , Echomist for Mistykit, and Sunfish for Mosskit. "

Hailstar nodded, purring.  " I see. "

Later that day Hailstar called the Clan meeting. After the Clan had gathered, the leader started the ceremonies. " We have two different ceremonies to perform today. Three of our kits are ready to begin their apprenticeship and two of our apprentices have passed their assessments. "

Oakheart looked at the apprentices in the crowd, noticing that Darkpaw and Emberpaw had both rather expectant looks on their faces as they looked at the leader.  So that's why  Heavystep and Rippleclaw were discussing about the assessment the other day.

" Now we may begin with the apprenticeship ceremonies. Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit, you have reached the age of six moons and it's time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Stonepaw, Mistypaw and Mosspaw. Stonepaw's mentor will be Softwing, Mistypaw's mentor will be Echomist " The leader looked at his mate, purring for a heartbeat before continuing the ceremony " And Mosspaw's mentor will be Sunfish. "

After the apprenticeship ceremonies were over Hailstar turned to look at the two older apprentices.

" Darkpaw, Emberpaw. Step forward. " The duo padded under the rock pile, heads and tails held high and nearly vibrating with excitement.

" I, Hailstar, leader of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand your noble code and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. "

" Darkpaw, Emberpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your own life?"

" I do" The siblings replied.

" Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Darkpaw, from this moment on you'll be known as Darkear. StarClan honors your energy and independence and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan." After that the light grey she-cat licked the leader's shoulder while he placed his muzzle on the top of the newly named Darkear before turning to look at her brother.

"Emberpaw, from this moment on you'll be known as Emberpool. StarClan honors your dedication and forethought and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan. "

The newly named tom followed his sister's paw steps, licking the leader's shoulder respectfully.

" Darkear! Emberpool! Darkear! Emberpool! Darkear! Emberpool!" The Clan called the names of the new warriors.

About a quarter moon after his kits had gotten their apprentice names Oakheart was sharing a small carp with Hollycloud when Rainflower approached them.

" I have something to tell you, Oakheart. " The grey she-cat told him, purring.

Oakheart flicked his ear, nodding at her . " What is it?"

" I'm pregnant with Marshcloud's kits. They will be your half-siblings. " Rainflower told him, still purring.

" Really? That's good to hear. New kits are always welcome news because they will make the Clan stronger  " The reddish-brown tom told her, keeping both his tone and expression neutral. I knew it!

A/N: What do you think will happen next?

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