Chapter 17: Patrol and battle ( AKA Thistleclaw's Downfall)

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A/N: I don't own Warriors, Erin Hunter does, I just play with the characters.

" Speech"

Thoughts, dreams

' Flashback'

Bluefur padded out of the warrior's den, blinking in the sunlight streaming through the branches. After that, she padded to the apprentice's den, poking her head in to see if Crickepaw was awake.

" Cricketpaw? Get up, it's time for the dawn patrol. " She mewed, nudging the apprentice with her paw. The blue-grey apprentice blinked at her groggily.

" What is it, Bluefur? What are we going to do today? Hunt or patrol the border?" Cricketpaw mewed, stretching slightly before starting to wash.

" We are going to hunt near the ShadowClan border today. There have been sightings of a massive amount of acorns so squirrels and mice must be abundant. Do you remember how to do the hunter's crouch?" Bluefur explained before padding out of the den after Cricketpaw nodded enthusiastically.

After that, they met up with the rest of the patrol, consisting of Starlingfoot, Patchpelt, and their apprentices along with Goldenflower and Bramblebloom.

Bluefur looked around, noticing how Thistleclaw was staring at the patrol with contempt shining clearly in his yellow eyes as he gazed at the three apprentices. Why do I have a feeling that he will try something? If so, what it could be? Trying to hurt me or someone else? Or plotting an attack?

As the patrol left, Bluefur glanced back at the deputy noticing how he sneered at her with what she thought was a low growl rumbling in his throat. I better be careful today, just in case Thistleclaw does something that could be dangerous, either to me or someone else. I can't let him hurt one of the apprentices.

Meanwhile, at the camp, Thistleclaw smirked to himself as he watched the tip of Bluefur's tail disappear into the tunnel. Perfect, they fell into my trap. That former ShadowClan cat is waiting for them with his 'friends' to show them that I'm not to be challenged. I will show Bluefur that she should have just stayed in the nursery with her spawn and not even dreamed of becoming the deputy, because I will be the next leader of ThunderClan, no matter what! I will be the best leader any of the Clans has seen since TigerClan, LeopardClan and LionClan roamed the forest!

As the patrol got closer to the ShadowClan border Starlingfoot sniffed the air, looking nervous.

" Do you smell that?" She asked Patchpelt who nodded.

" Yes, I do. It smells like there has been a rogue or two. Didn't Cedarstar mention something about a warrior who left the Clan a few moons ago? Something about how he had threatened the apprentices with clawing multiple times without a good reason and had actually attacked his own brother after he had stepped in between them?" Patchpelt asked, sounding worried.

Bluefur nodded. " I think so. And apparently, there has been an increase in rogue scents around the border nearest to ours after that. " She mewed, having overheard some of the ShadowClan warriors talking about it during the latest Gathering.

Suddenly Featherpaw stopped in his tracks, listening to something intently while sniffing the air. The white tom pointed in the direction of the sound with his tail, looking nervous.

Bluefur tried to listen to what could have caused the apprentice's reaction. Is that... pawsteps?

Suddenly Bluefur saw something move toward them as silently as a flying owl. A night-black long-haired tom padded over to them, his tail swishing in an almost lazy manner as he eyed the patrol. After a few heartbeats, he was followed by a mottled brown tom, a pale grey she-cat, a mottled ginger tom, a black tom with white paws, a white and grey she-cat, and last, a massive ginger tom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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