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"kyungjun, you really need to start speaking up more during classes to improve your grade," mrs. choi lets out a sigh.

nodding his head, he watched as the teacher left the classroom after giving her comment, leaving him standing alone in the class. class was already over but mrs. choi felt the need to talk to kyungjun about his plummeting grades.

the school changed the grading system such that students will now have to contribute ideas during classes as part of class participation points and it is a compulsory component.

there are now three different compulsory components students need to score well at in order to get an A.

homework, class participation, class work/quiz

students are either given class work or a quiz at the end of every class to be immediately completed before leaving for the day, and also given homework to complete at home as well.

being the top student of the class, needless to say, he was always commended for his outstanding work, but the updated grading system had gravely affected his grades with class participation being the only component affecting his overall grades. looking at his plummeting grades, he knew that he needed to change.

the problem is, how is he going to speak up when he's extremely introverted? being an extreme introvert, he had heard words like 'speak up' and 'talk more' countless times but he simply brushed it off.

maybe it's his personality or the nature of his classmates, maybe even a mixture of both that made him more closed off that he didn't find a need to speak up usually. he could feel the judgemental stares and whispers whenever he tried to speak in class and that's why he either always resolved any questions by himself or leaving till the end of classes to ask the teacher personally.

he preferred alone time and that explains why he did everything alone - going to breaks, coming to school and going home, literally everything. it is so normal and habitual for him that it is inevitably a part of him.

but he was willing to change, even a little, all for his grades. kyungjun really cared for his grades as he wants to realise his dream of being a cardiac surgeon.

pulling out his phone, he typed in the question 'how to be more outspoken?' and clicked on the first article that popped up.

reading the article, it has a list of tips on how introverts can be more outspoken.

the first one being 'meet more people, even online interaction helps'

online interaction? he pondered over the kind of opportunities he'll get to meet someone online. do they mean chatting applications?

moving down the list, he decided to give this a try first as it seems like the most plausible suggestion among all.

taking his belongings, he left the classroom as he started to search for suitable chatting applications, preferably anonymous ones to start off his 'journey'.


the org chap was too short so i added and now it seems messy 😩 ig i'll edit in due time

when in meets out | tnx kyungjunWhere stories live. Discover now