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it had been a few days since kyungjun started talking to yuna and hyunsoo and to be honest, he was liking it. he started to send more texts, being more proactive and taking initiative as well. it lowkey made him happy as he was glad on progressing and the possible blooming friendships, though there was still a long way to go.

as much as texting more made him glad, he was still unable to voice out anything during classes. as the semester was already ending and his grades had already been slightly affected, kyungjun had already decided to let it be for the current semester.

instead, he wanted to practise more by texting with his new friends and hopefully, being able to speak up for the next semester, since there'll be a change of classes as well.

arriving earlier than expected, kyungjun sat on his seat and waited for the lecturer to arrive for the 9am class. fishing out his phone, he checked for new messages and requests.

requests (2) :
taehun 🍑
squirrel producer 🐿️

accepting both requests, he started replying to the messages received.

[ - - - - - - ]

hi i'm hyunsoo, 19

hyung!! do you have morning classes today?

yep, i'm alone in class bc
i got here too early

morning classes suck but
at least we get to go home earlier :")

haha yes, that's what
i'm looking forward to

ttyl hyung my lecturer just walked in!!

[ - - - - - - ]


yo how's my schoolmate doinggg

waiting for classes to start, you?

what's your break time today?

it should be 1pm

i think mine will be around then as well!
let's meet for lunch
if you want, of course


okay, lmk when you're on break later

[ - - - - - - ]

after days of texting yuna, kyungjun found out coincidentally that they were schoolmates and they were of the same age. since the application was anonymous, users were not allowed to upload any images and this lunch will be the first opportunity for both of them since they've yet to meet each other in reality.

as much as kyungjun seemed chill enough to agree with a 'sure!' so quickly, he was nervous deep inside. since they chatted online, it was through a screen and so he was able to pluck up his courage and took the initiative to text, seeming more outgoing. he just hoped that he won't seem as awkward in reality and create unnecessary awkwardness and tension.

the lecturer walked in, breaking his chain of thoughts as he placed his phone on the table and classes started.


didn't intend to make this text fic but looking at how things are going it'll be this way for awhile

when in meets out | tnx kyungjunWhere stories live. Discover now