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you have a new request!
you have a new request!
you have a new request!

kyungjun's phone vibrated with every incoming notification.

he had just downloaded an anonymous chatting application the night before, after checking the reviews. however, he have yet to try it except when he was prompted to enter his email to save his progress and to sync across devices.

clicking on the notification, it brought him to a page with names. apparently since the app was anonymous, there was no picture section and users will input a name of their liking and choose to talk to whoever they wish to and send a request, the other party needing to agree to the request first.

requests (3) :
hi i'm hyunsoo, 19
lf fwb

skimming through the names, he accepted the requests from the top 2 names, before sending a simple greeting 'Hi' to both.

putting his phone down, he went to the kitchen to grab some food before heading back to his room, preparing to watch a movie since he had finished his revision for the day.

just in time, the phone lit up with new messages received. making himself comfortable on bed, kyungjun opened the messages.

[ - - - - - - ]



hello! as you can see, my name's yuna. what's yours?

I'm Kyungjun

Nice to meet you Kyungjun! May I know your age?

I'm a '02 liner, wbu?

[ - - - - - - ]

realising that his texting might be too bland as be felt bad to be giving short answers, he decided to take the initiative to ask back the same question to yuna, before exitting and checking hyunsoo's chat.

[ - - - - - - ]

hi i'm hyunsoo, 19


heyyy kj!
are you studying in high school right now? i am in my final year and it's really hectic :((

Ah no, i'm in my first year of university

oh you're 20! how's university?

It's okay...I guess?

as i said i'm in my final year but still have no idea what major i'm gonna choose for uni...

what's your major hyung?


Don't worry, there's still time for you to
think about what you're passionate about

[ - - - - - - ]

his phone battery was at 8% so he went to charge it and set a timer for 2 hours charging, before plopping back onto bed. getting into a comfortable position, he searched for his preferred movie and watched it on his laptop, enjoying his snack.

subsequently, he started to blink in a slower pace as it was evident that sleep was getting to him.

kyungjun eventually fell asleep unconsciously towards the end of the movie. luckily for him, it was a friday night and this was why he liked to binge watch dramas or movies on friday nights — he always fall asleep midway.


i have important exams coming up and some assignments to complete but i'll try my best to update within my means!

a/q: is the texting style confusing? org i just placed the text left and right respectively but i was worried it'll be difficult to understand so i bold whatever kyungjun sent.

when in meets out | tnx kyungjunWhere stories live. Discover now