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jun! do u wanna go to the cheonggyecheon stream with me today? i heard that there's a new cafe there

sure! will the evening be okay?

oh it's fine if you're busy! we can go another day

i have classes in the afternoon,
but i can meet you in the evening

alright!! see you :)

[ - - - - - - ]

yuna knew that kyungjun is an overachiever and might overwork himself. when she saw that he replied asking about the evening, she knew that he was busy that day and wanted him to get some rest. That was why she replied that it was fine if he was busy, as she did not want to use up his time that was meant for resting after his long day.

[ - - - - - - ]

one thing about yuna was that she absolutely loves coffee and can't live without caffeine. as soon as news came out about a new cafe that offers affordable coffee, she knew that she had to visit.

you might ask: why did she ask kyungjun instead of her other friends? well, she felt really comfortable with kyungjun. excitement was an understatement when she first found out that kyungjun loves coffee as much as her.

having similar interests proved to be a great bond as it created opportunities for them to hangout, just chilling or cafe-hopping.


author's note:

i chose cheonggyecheon stream it's on my bucketlist 😆 would love to visit irl one day~

have y'all travelled to korea before?

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