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throughout their regular hangouts during breaks, yuna and kyungjun found their own oasis within the school compound, an open-stone seater at the far end of the classrooms, where they could sit under the tree and engage in their conversation without any outside disturbance.

it was the final week of school before the holidays, and they settled onto the seats as usual. the slight breeze and distant hum of voices from the cafeteria created a comforting atmosphere.

"how do you plan to spend your holidays?" kyungjun started, curiosity piqued.

leaning back on the seat, yuna's gaze shifted slightly as she contemplated her response. "not really. i'll probably be doing some reading and catching up on my dramas, spending time at home."

there was a subtle shift in kyungjun's expressions, his eyebrows lifting as her plans caught him off guard since he expected her to hangout with her friends with her extroverted self.

the subtle shift did not escape yuna's attentive gaze. "what's wrong?"

with yuna's question hanging, flashbacks came cascading into kyungjun's mind, the pieces of a puzzle falling into place with newfound clarity. he recalled moments from his flashbacks and the subtle nuances that he had misunderstood due to his assumption. he recalled of how he had seen yuna excusing herself from her friends' invite to hangout as she spent her time seeking solace in the library, her head buried in the books. he even remembered on how she was silent and merely listening while her friends talk. realisation flashed in his eyes as it felt like a veil had been lifted, revealing the truth from his own assumptions.

his eyes shifted and met hers, the corners of his lips tugging into a sheepish smile as his hands started rubbing his nape. "sorry about that, it's just that i have just came to a realisation that i've misunderstood and assumed that you were an introvert since you were always so outspoken and took the initiative in our friendship."

"ahh, that's just how i am. i'm okay with taking initiative and reaching out but i don't do it often, i'm a total introvert," yuna replied sheepishly while rubbing her nape.

when in meets out | tnx kyungjunWhere stories live. Discover now