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saving his notes and locking his laptop, kyungjun opened the application to find yuna's contact.

[ - - - - - - ]


it's my lunch time now
where do u wanna meet?

i'll be done in five minutes!
my lecturer's briefing for my exams 👍🏻
you reacted to this message with: 👍🏻

[ - - - - - - ]

kyungjun clicked on another contact that had sent him messages as he replied to them and repeated the steps for other messages.

squirrel producer 🐿️

just my gut feeling but you're probably older than me
how old are you this year?


wow i'm right then
i know you didn't ask but i'm 19
do you have any hobbies?

i like to cook and dance, wbu?

[ - - - - - - ]

with that, he exited the chatroom as yuna replied him.

[ - - - - - - ]


i'm done!
do u wanna meet at the north or south canteen?

are you okay with north?

okay! i'm heading to the entrance rn
wearing full black btw

[ - - - - - - ]

as kyungjun's classroom was closer to the north canteen, he reached first as he stood and waited, feeling slightly nervous.

as it was lunch hour, students were starting to head towards the canteens and it was gradually getting crowded. he looked around, catching a glimpse of a girl in all black heading towards him.

she looked around the area before her eyes set on him, both maintaining the eye contact as she walked closer.

"hi! are you kyungjun?"
"ah yes..." he trailed off, rubbing his nape in awkwardness.

"i'm sure you know but i'm yuna," she said as she gave a slight smile before continuing, "let's head inside now! i'm hungry and i'm sure you're too."

walking inside together, they decided on a secluded seat at the corner of the canteen before heading to get their desired food.

"woah, looks like you're good with spice," kyungjun commented, referring to yuna's spicy noodles.

"i love it but i'm not very good at it, what about your spice tolerance?"

"i can't take spice." kyungjun responded as he shook his head.

the two continued to eat in silence till they finished and returned the trays, before getting some beverages and sat back down.

silence filled the table as both were just sipping their drinks. "let's take turns asking each other questions! kinda like an icebreaker since it's our first time meeting in real life," yuna broke the silence as she gave her suggestion.

nodding his head, he started the question asking session as they went back and forth, till their break time ended and they walked out of the canteen.

yuna gave a light wave at the parting point, not before suggesting to meet at the entrance to walk to the train station together after classes ended.

when in meets out | tnx kyungjunWhere stories live. Discover now