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the annual campus fair will be held today and all students are required to attend, as it will be counted as part of their attendance.

luckily, the fair is open to the whole campus regardless of seniority which means that kyungjun will be able to hangout with yuna.

seeing yuna at the entrance, he waved enthusiastically with a small smile and she did it back.

"let me guess... you'll want to visit the food stalls first?" kyungjun rubbed his chin as he pretended to think, already aware that the girl would definitely go for the food first.

"yeah!! let's go!" yuna was excited as she held kyungjun's wrist and dragged him to the tteokbokki stall.

"it's so niceeee! let's hurry and try the next one," yuna said with her mouth full of tteokbokki, making kyungjun chuckle. they sat on one of the benches as they waited for yuna to finish her food. kyungjun was a fast eater so he had already finished his.

yuna stood up to throw her rubbish and the moment she walked a few steps, she heard someone talking behind her.

"oh? you're with your girlfriend~" a male voice said teasingly and yuna immediately knew that he was referring to her, probably one of kyungjun's friends.

she pretended she didn't hear anything as she went to throw the trash. luckily the bin was a walking distance away from the bench.

"i'm done! let's go to the next stall!" yuna walked back once she saw that the coast was clear.

"you can choose the second stall!" yuna suggested as she wanted kyungjun to enjoy himself as well, and not get dragged around by her.

"hmm... let's try the corndogs then! i saw that they were frying a new batch earlier," this time, kyungjun was the one who held her wrist and pulled her to the corndog stall.

taken aback, yuna stared at her wrist as she was being pulled. the palpitations of her heartbeat started sounding in her ears, blocking out the surrounding noise. however, yuna wasn't sure if it was due to them slightly running towards the stall, or it was something else. something that she wasn't ready to face.

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