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"wow, this is so nice!" yuna exclaimed excitedly after taking a sip of her iced vanilla latte. "right? you chose a good cafe this time," kyungjun replied as he was pleasantly surprised by the rich taste of his coffee as well.

"how's your class today? you look quite tired," yuna started off the conversation, concern evident in her eyes.

"class is alright, but i'm just kind of worried as i was told that i have to take on the role as a leader for a project next semester as i "have the best grades"" kyungjun lamented as he airquoted.

"i'm sure you'll do just fine! have some confidence," yuna encouraged while giving a slight pat on his shoulder.

yuna understood his worries of being a leader as she had been the leader for a few projects and kyungjun had told her about his reason of using the anonymous application. kyungjun managed a small smile as he was grateful for yuna's kind words and support being a constant reminder that he wasn't alone in his worries as the girl had prior similar experiences.

"you mentioned about having economics classes next semester right? let's take the same one!" yuna suggested as she wanted to elevate his worries, as a friend.

the sudden change of topic caught kyungjun off guard but her suggestion made kyungjun feel relieved as he understood her intentions and worries of having to deal with new classmates alone. it felt like a part of his worries was cast out of his mind as he nodded and agreed happily.

as they started discussing about their other planned classes for the upcoming semester, the conversion flowed and shifted seamlessly as they constantly moved from topic to topic. laughter peppered their discussion as the time passed by fast. evidently, the table was filled with happiness throughout the entire evening they stayed as they talked about various topics, like a pair of best friends with endless words.

when in meets out | tnx kyungjunWhere stories live. Discover now