Hitler's Wife
Not much is said
about Hitler's wife.
Was she just
his beloved and strife ?
She could have been crazy
or must not of known,
of the horrors to others
that spawned from her home.
She may have loved
her husbands ideas,
though they make many others
suffer chronic fears.
Did she really love
this man with a plan?
Or could she just understand him
like nobody else can?
////////////Hello minna . I haven't updated for a while so I dragged this thing up. Its a bit strange though I must admit :)
My SpArKs Of InSaNiTy (Poetryish #1) (Complete)
PoetryThese are some things I think of at random and they may be a bit weird :) (Mostly poems from 2014-2015) with a couple of recent additions that overlap with my next poetry book on here. I didn't post on here for a while so I think starting a new one...