The invisible monsters

45 3 12

The invisible monsters


The invisible monsters are ones we don't see
There are also some monsters inside of you and me

Monsters all around you
Locked up . But where.
They come out and frighten those who don't know they are there

Of all the things you don't know about the friends around you
The most unrealised fears may turn out to be true

The liars , manipulators, the clingy, the overpowering , the bastards
Just hold your own and those whose intentions are clear
don't let those monsters get anywhere near


////////////Hello minna. :) I realised I've not really written any poems since I got back to school so I thought I 'd try to do one this weekend so here it is . Don't let the muggles let you down!

My SpArKs Of InSaNiTy (Poetryish #1) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now