My precious figments

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My Precious Figments


Never simple .

Never stopping.

Never fading.

Sat in my room .

In darkness


I have no real life.

Just figments.

Although people think it's a lie.

They call to me

We laugh

We cry

We're friends.

We go places

To magical lands.

The stories we live in.

It's real.

Or it should be .

I have three figments.

The first figment is quiet , psychotic  and is crazy like me.

Inside her mind is truly free.

The second is violent, confident and loud.

Though there are some moments were there's never a sound.

The third knows most things and bursts out into song.

And truly she wants to never be wrong.

My world is more interesting than the one outside .

My fellow figments act as my guide.

The reason they're figment,

and not my friends is because my adventure,

is to my own end...

I have been in solitary confinement in the asylum for ten years now.


--------Hello minna .I can honestly say that I am not in an asylum and the I am not halucinating as of yet. Although I may be as crazy as I seem, even I don't that myself. :D

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