Insomnia's a Bitch

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Insomnias a bitch

Sleep is a stranger

It rarely stays

Sometimes it runs off for a weekend away

When it comes back

Its mood can change.

Can wrestle me to the ground

And kidnap me for days

Our meeting places

domestic, nothing more

At times it's the bed

the chair

the floor

There are some magic

Beans that bring sleep back to me

And must be taken each night

With water, to help me

Trivial it must be

That hypnos he, would

Leave me lie

And abandon me

It's been years since I updated. I really do regret that. But I have notebooks and documents full of writing that I want to do something with. Plus I'm studying English Literature and Creative writing at university now, so I have a more urgent motivation to get me to write more xD

My SpArKs Of InSaNiTy (Poetryish #1) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now