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Tom could not get the memory out of his head. It repeated and repeated until he memorized every aspect of it. Her perfect dark hair falling on her face. The twinkle in her eye. Her power as she stood over the man she now owns. It was a scene he would remember for the rest of his long life.

"You're not going back to the orphanage." She said sipping her coffee. He looked up and raised his eyes. "You are staying here" she said and he felt a odd feeling to smile but decided against it.

"I have a couple of things there that-"

"We can get them before we go to Hogwarts." She said and he nodded and sipped on his black coffee. They sat at the round table in the living room, on different couches of course. Marcelline was writing in her diary and Tom read the paper. "Grindelwald is a waste of talent" Tom said putting down the paper.

"Such a brilliant man but his ambition is not as strong as it should be. If I was in his case I would have the world down at my knees the very second I wanted it to be" Tom said.

"Did you ever want kids?" She suddenly asked him and he looked at her with a bewildered look on his face.

"No I don't want no useless child with my precious blood running through its veins" he said with an offended tone.

"I did. I wanted two kids when I was a child. A boy and a girl" she said and he raised his eyebrows.

"I don't no more. Not with what the world has become" she said and he scoffed. "An heir? Darling you could live forever if you just asked. Why would you want an heir?" He said.

"I don't know Tom" she said and walked away from him. She left him completely confused on what he had said wrong; and why he cared so much that he had offended her.

She walked into her fathers old office and immediately noticed the cold atmosphere. It sent a shiver down her spine. She hasn't been in here since she was a kid. There was a big picture of her father right above a fireplace. Narcissist.

She walked around gently. Scared to make a crack on the floor. Scared to make a sound. She lightly touched over the huge sword sitting on his desk. He did always have a thing for knives.

"You have his eyes" Tom said from the doorway. She turned around and he stood there with flowers from the garden he must have just pulled out in a cup of water. She smiled lightly at his weird but generous gesture.

"I don't understand the way your mind works Marcelline. I don't apologize but I don't want you to be mad." He said handing her the cup.

"I'm not mad. Sometimes I forget you can't understand." She said taking the flowers and putting them down. "I want this to be your office" she said changing the topic.

"I don't want no trace of them in this house. It can be ours." She said and instantly turned red after realizing how that sounded. "I mean like for the organization and-"

"I know" Tom said slightly laughing at her pathetic way to cover her embarrassment.

"This was the knife he used most of the time" she said pointing to a small knife in a black case. "It has some sort of enchantment on it. I don't know much about it. This is the one that gave me that big scar on my back" she said staring at the knife.

"My father was into dark magic. He practiced a lot of it on me. I was his test dummy" she said and he clenched his jaw.

"I'm going to have to take over his ministry job. After Hogwarts it will be passed onto me. His ministry friends were the ones who came the most. The ones who he let use me like a toy." She said.

"We will use them like a toy until they are begging for their death" Tom said walking closer towards her. He grabbed her cheek with his hand and stroked her cold pale cheek.

"We will make them suffer" she said staring back at him. Two eyes full of vengeance were complete staring into one another.

Fate •T.Riddle• BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now