Chapter 13

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I walked up the stairs and want to my room. It was only seven o'clock. I have to be at that stupid session with my therapist Stephanie in three hours.

To pass the time I start reading. While I'm reading, there's a knock on my door.

"Ari? Can I come in? I have breakfast." My aunt called from the other side of the door.

"Yeah come in." I call back. She came in with a plate of bacon and eggs. She sets it on my drawer. "Thank you." I say just as she's leaving my room.

"Your welcome Ari." She says robotically. That's weird. Usually she would say something else to me.

I get up and grab the plate, the aroma filling my nose pleasantly. Just as I'm about to take a bite from the bacon, my phone rings. I frown and groan wondering who would call me so early.

"Hello" I say picking up the phone.

"Hi Ari, it's me, Marcus" the voice says.

"Oh hey uhh what's up?" I ask. Taking a bite of bacon. This bacon is definitely the best.

"I was wondering..." He started to say. I take another bite of bacon finish the whole strip in one second. It was that good.

"Yeah?" I asked eagerly picking up another piece of bacon.

"Are you busy today?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah I am actually. Sorry, I have this session to go to today." I said taking another bite of the bacon.

"Oh ok. Of course your busy. I guess we'll talk later then." He said sadly.

"Okay then. Bye" I say hanging up the phone. I just shrug my shoulders and finish the rest of my food.

After I finished my breakfast I make my way downstairs to the kitchen. I put my plate in the sink and grab a cup for orange juice. Then I trudge up the stairs again and pick out what to wear for my sessions with Stephanie.

When I got done getting ready I walk down stairs and see my aunt in the kitchen.

"Ari, what time am I picking you up?" She asks holding a steaming mug in her  hand and sipping it occasionally.

"The same time you pick me up every time I go." I say harshly. I get a cup and fill it with water downing it quickly. I knew I shouldn't have said it like that but I couldn't help it.

"Ari, I said I was sorry ok? You don't need to have an attitude with me." She says firmly. She put her mug down and looked me in the eye.

"Yeah ok" I say walking out. Before I leave I hear her take a deep sigh and mumble something under her breath. I know I should care more but I wasn't in the mood.

I go outside then wait for the bus to come. As I'm waiting I watch two little kids playing together. My horror becomes a reality when they start running towards me. I start panicking.

"Hi!" They both practically screamed. They both looked at me with intensity. They were twins, a boy and a girl.

I guess they saw my panic and began asking me a million questions at once.

"Are you ok missy?" They ask. Even kids ask me that.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I say not wanting to make eye contact.

"Do you want to play with us??" They practically scream again. When I look up I see the bus leaving.

"Oh no!" I yelling breaking into a run. I hear little footsteps following me and stop running. I missed the bus because of these kids. "Damn it!" I say out loud.

"Ooh!! You said a bad word!" They said sounding like monkeys. "That's bad!" They say again. I groan in frustration and put my head in my hands.

"Yes I know." I reply pissed off. This is why I don't like kids.

"James! Jenny! Come inside" Someone calls out, hopefully to these kids. "Ari?! Is that you" The voice calls again.

I look up and notice it's Marcus.

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