Coffee = Friends?

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*Your POV*

Felix just asked me for a coffee? I hope this isn't another interview! We went out of the back door to the hallway. It lead us out to the main street. It was funny that there weren't any reporters as I had seen them in those videos. I asked him

y/n - Hey, so there aren't any reporters? I mean, I saw them so many times in those youtube videos!

Felix - Oh, that! Yeah, we have to inform them to come when things start cooling off among the fans. Sometimes to show the new hair but hide the color or let out a minor spoiler for the upcoming MVs.

y/n - oh, that's convenient. Is this another interview?

Felix - For the job? No. You need to sign those.

Y/n - *Feeling Awkward* okay...

Felix - Don't worry. Others will join soon. We are just going out to get some coffee for our members and us.

Y/n - oh! That's so sweet of you! You aren't treating me as an errand girl! (you blurted and instantly regretted it)

Felix - *who seemed to find the comment funny laughed* Don't you worry! We are going to be close friends if you don't betray us.

The last sentence was a mixture of flirt and resentment towards their previous photographer. 

You entered the cafe and instantly noticed the room went silent. I realized Felix wasn't wearing a mask. I tugged him out of the cafe and.... ( it will be engaging with Felix's POV)

*Felix POV*

We talked all the way to the cafe. She is nervous but smells so lovely! I wish I could get closer to her. Is it love at first sight? Maybe. I hope she stays.

As we entered the cafe, the whole room gasped. Just then, even before I could react, y/n pulled me out of the cafe. I was so surprised by the gesture. She took my hand in hers, and we ran. I have no idea where to. I could only see her hair flying, her small soft hand in mine, holding me tight. She smelled like a strawberry cupcake. We went into an alley. She opened her bag and handed me a black mask and a black hat. 

She started unbuttoning her jacket.

Felix - Woah! what!

y/n - trust me 

I took her jacket and wore it. It fit me perfectly. I could hear the heavy breathing. She was standing a few centimeters away from me. The alley wasn't lit, so it was a nice place to hide. Suddenly a large group of girls came running and rushing towards the main road. They were only a step away. 

She whispered, "Oh god, they are so close! I don't want scandals! I am sorry!"

She stepped a little closer, pinning me to the wall. She placed her hands on my mask and kissed it! Our eyes met. It was love at first sight. She was brave, careful, and intelligent—all the things I had wanted in my partner. I could hear the fans going away. 

She pulled away and apologized. 

*Your POV*

Oh my god! I kissed him. I don't want to be fired even before I start. 

I pull away. I was so happy we had the moment. I saw him smile when we came closer. Or maybe it was dark, and I imagined things. He has always been the one for me. I don't want to ruin our friendship if we get one or a future relationship? Oh, bring to your senses, y/n. 

y/n - I am sorry. I did that without your consent. I didn't want them to take your photos and get you in trouble. It still doesn't give me the right to come near you. 

I bowed. 

Felix - Hey, hey, hey! It's okay. And maybe don't mention it to others?

I nodded. 

Felix - Do you want to exchange numbers? I want to know you.

Know me? I stood there blushing. I think I was red as a tomato.

*Felix POV*

I asked for her number! Wait, is she blushing? Should I ask her out? I took my phone out and handed it to her. Her hand was shaking when she took the phone. Did she like me? I thought to myself.

Felix - y/n, by any chance, am I your bias?

She nodded.

y/n - yes. I am sorry I don't know how to react.

*End POV*

Felix took a step towards y/n, cupped her face, and whispered in his deep voice, "Hey, how about you sign the agreement and see where this friendship takes us? ". Her eyes widen. Felix took the phone from her hand and decided to test if she had given him her real number. It was indeed. He smiled and said, "Come on, let's go."

The walk to the JYP building was silent. They were blushing, hearts racing, thinking about what the other person would be thinking about them.

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