The Day

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Everyone woke by lunchtime, and apparently, Chan and Changbin had complained about Jay, and he was on suspension for a month. Everybody was told what had happened in detail. Stray kids were delighted except Felix. Felix was only told about the confession and not the part where y/n had confessed her feelings for him (Felix). Y/n didn't know how it happened and was just relieved he was suspended.

Everyone gathered in the restaurant near the sea and enjoyed their meal. All of them chattered, and as usual, was chaos. They had to wake up early the following day for the spa day and were advised to tire themselves out. Going to the sea and taking a long walk was decided. Han and lee know were the first ones to leave. Chan and Changbin followed them. I.N and Hyunjin chose to go to the arcade nearby, while Seungmin decided to explore a museum nearby. 

This was only announced, but in actuality, none of them had left. They all were rooting on Felix confessing today. They had advised him (forced him) to do that today.

Felix stayed behind watching y/n pay the bill. He called after her when she was leaving.

Felix - Want to go for a walk?

y/n smiles - yes.

As they walk, the whole group tails them. y/n and Felix talked about the weather, the game night, and her likes and dislikes.

y/n - do you want to sit down?

Felix nods, and they sit on the park bench next to the tree.  

The members hid well behind the bushes and trees. 

Hyunjin - is he ever going to ask her out?

Everybody shushes him.

Felix - Are you okay?

y/n - Yeah, why?

Felix - I heard about the thing between you and Jay.

y/n - what? How?

Felix - Someone from the staff saw him doing something to you and reported it.

y/n - oh! That's why everyone keeps asking me if I am okay or not. I thought it was some mission or something for skz code.

Everyone smiles. They had their concerns. It felt like she was part of the family now. 

Felix chuckled - no.

y/n - how much do you know?

Felix - just this.

y/n - I am fine. It was weird.

Felix - So what happened?

y/n - He, um, confessed and um... (whispered) help my thigh

Felix enraged, gets up - HE DID WHAT!!!

y/n - hey! There are people here. Sit down. 

She held his hand and made him sit. 

Seungmin - I don't think we should watch now. Turn around.

Everyone - aww!

Felix - What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you complain?

y/n - No one was awake at the moment. I did warn him. I was going to in the morning, but he was suspended by the time. 

She didn't let his hand go and kept looking down.

y/n - Felix? I know you haven't known me for long enough to judge me, but I have, and that too for five long years. 

Her grip tightens.

y/n - I have loved you from the day you entered JYP. I know you aren't just a bias to me, but a person with a genuinely lovely personality. You aren't just beautiful with makeup but even without inside and out. You aren't an obsession, nor am I your stalker. But you really attract me. I have always wanted my first to be special, and it was at that moment, five years ago, that I decided I wanted you to be the one. I love you, Lee Felix.

Tears rolled out as she confessed her love. The love she had been waiting for forever. 

Felix took his hand from her and placed it on her cheeks.

Chan - guys, look!

Felix - I had been waiting for a signal. This is it.

He leaned forward. y/n closed her eyes and kissed him. 

After a minute that felt like a second to them, Felix broke the kiss. 

Felix - I love you too, y/n.

Stray kids from behind the bushes jump out "YES!!!!!"

Felix and y/n were surprised to see them listening to them but were happy at the same moment. They all had waited for this moment, and it had actually happened now. 

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