Prologue 2

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"T'rialow, run!" Her father screamed out, just as she felt someone's grip pull her away from the edge, as storm troopers shut up at her.

"Leave the girl!" She could hear the woman order,"she's mine for the kill... as for the rest of the village, bombs away."

Turning to face who had pulled her back from the edge, she was surprised to see her friend, Valarian, his eyes wide with fear as he leapt off the edge with a vice grip on her wrist. Tumbling off the roof, they felt the soft snow cushion them below, as if it too worked to protect them, it's soft white a welcoming camouflage.

"I need to go," T'rialow huffed out, turning to look around the corner, the sound of her eldest brother screaming out his war cry, she could only imagine the pain he'd inflict.

"No," Valarian almost yelled, hauling her back from the edge,"you will run... I'll come find you after all this is done."

"But, Vala-" T'rialow tried to rebut, but her skull began to shatter, the memories from a life she had never lived pushing itself to the forefront, the stranger with amber hair almost calling out to her to run, his voice leading across the tundra, promising that he'd be there to protect her.

"Allow our people to fight so that you may live another day," a voice whispered to her, as sweet as warm milk, their body caving over her like a hug, yet they could not see them, all she could feel was a warmth almost lost before it reaches her.

The terrorising screams made T'rialows skin crawl as she rugged up and skittered over the small slope towards the icy horizon, looking back, she could see some of the buildings aflame as Valarian stared down at her to make sure she ran. A name almost bubbled up her throat, but stopped before she could say it.

Turning to the icy lands before her, T'rialow Veleance ran, the blood coursing through her veins held the secret to defying the stars, colliding the suns, and desolating planets. That was why the empire was here, because they had killed the same Jedi Master that could do all that and more - but chose the path of good before evil could change her course.

The empire wanted to steal this child, make her it's weapon, yet they already could feel the pull of the Jedi in her.

Turning to face the destruction of her town, T'rialow wanted to scream out, as the fire grew rampant and blood seemed to dye the snow red. Not watching where she was going, the girls footing tripped over her clumsy paws, tumbling down a small slope until she landed on the ground, all curled up, her fur knotted with clumps of snow.

She could feel everyone dying one by one, the pain like electricity coursing up her arms and something heavy weighing down on her stomach until the point where she felt nauseas to the silence that the curdling wind caused. From here, she could not make out the silent screams as those she had all loved lost their lives, all because they were looking for something called the Jedi.

Feeling it again, she welcomed the warm sensation swarming up her throat and forming on her tongue, her paws finding themselves holding to the charm hanging off of her necklace.

T'rialow suddenly cried out,"Obi Wan, I need you!"

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