It's been two years since T'rialow and Dins paths had crossed, and strangely enough, he found his life being gently smothered by the peculiar girls existence by his side.

She stood next to him in the array of frozen blooms, where the air kissed the lungs so coolly, the blizzard tips the balance from adventure to caution, as they walked across ice. T'rialow had no problems walking into the blizzard by Mandos side, as natures determination whipped past her face in a primal need to destroy, snow confetti bit her cheeks till they were cherry red. This was her natural habitat, the cold, she was built for it.

The day mando saved her life, hunted the rodian that abused her, and took care of her until she could walk properly on both legs, well, T'rialow said she owed him her life, and she meant it. That and the voices in her head had suddenly stilled after so many years, she wanted to cry on her masters shoulder, let him know that she had finally made it through the madness of the force crippling her brain.

"Are we close?" She called over the rushing winds, grasping his upper arm in fear of losing him, even if he stuck out like a sore thumb in his beskar against the snow.

Tracing the tracker around towards the glowing huts, Din spared a glance to the girl beside him,"We're close, come on."

Before them stood an icicle of a cantina, T'rialows hand dropped to her side when the metallic door swiped open. Entering the warm, but barren space. Little to no light pooled around the tables, as T'rialow took notice straight away of who they were looking for. He didn't look worth their time, but he had quite the bounty on him, and with a bounty came a rich reward.

A couple of egotistical males who had nothing better to do than rough house T'rialows ticket to a new pair of goggles were smashing the poor fellows face into a table, but she didn't care, to be honest. As long as they didn't kill him, then he'll have to survive till mando felt like grabbing him.

The human yelled some indistinguishable huttese at the two, and T'rialow couldn't hold but roll her eyes,"Oh, great, another testosterone filled cantina, how lovely," she grumbled, to herself.

As Mando and T'rialow made it to the bar, the same welcoming human had, once again, opened his big mouth,"Uba spidded mah orink!"

Bullshit, she wanted to yell at him, but all she did was spare him a growl with her extended canines.

"Chuba, mando!" The man growled.

Mando pulled a stool out at the bar, and T'rialow stood behind him, tracing the movements of the human male now walking their way with an angry scowl etching his face.

"Jee said uba spidded mah orink," the man scowled, sneering in T'rialows face.

"Jee suggest uba step bu kriff bata before jee give uba serious case of blue badds," T'rialow threatened

Mandos helmet moved slightly, at the sound of T'rialows voice coming out more cold than the steady breeze of ice outside the cantinas doors.

"Oom-al beskar steel?" The man asked, leaning over T'rialow, the girl took a step back till mando felt her back collide with his.

Suddenly, a cup smacked right into the mans face as he suddenly inched his grotesque mouth too close to T'rialows for comfort, she let out a threatening growl, as she pounced on the now fallen human. Scrunching up her nose in disgust at the stench that rolled off of him in waves, she smirked in delight as her fists continuously smacked against his jaw. Standing up, she booted her clawed foot into his junior, before stepping on it and over him as if he were just the usual ground she walked on.

Looking to the damage mando made of the other two, one cut in half by the cantina door, T'rialow turned to the bartender with a solemn smile. Stealing the pouch bag from the human, she dropped it on the bench in front of him,"Hope this covers the cost, sir."

The Cosmos Feels Lonely  ☆  The MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now