Cherri and Moss go on a date ig???

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Anyhways after the suspension moss meets up w cherri and proceeds to bujlly him cuz he got him detention for being seo loud. Sudddenkly, Cherri pulls Moss into a kiss and slowly they began making out like there was no tomorrow. That's when Moss asked Cherri on a date... 

Cherri's perspect9ive:

"Hey.. Cherri please go on a date with me." OMG. MOSS WANTS ME TO GO ONA  DAT E OMGGGG JS;LJPS;L "OFC UWU!!!!" I said adorably and cutely "W-w-w-w-w-w-what time babe uwu?" I asked shyly "12:48 am in the morning kitten ;)" OMG. MOSS JUST WINKED AT ME UWUWUWUWU 

 12:48 am

"Moss!!! Mosss???? Where arre you baby?" I called cutely. There was no signm of my baby moss anywhere :((((( and it was so dark and i sgarted to cry. "UWU-UWU WH-UWU-WHAT WAS T-UWU-THAT.." I shouted as i heard a not so cute noise :[

Cherri suddenly looks back and sees Moss standing with a kniofe then gets stabbed the end

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