Hawkins High

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This book starts season 4 Y/n moved from Canada
She is around Eddie's age
Doesn't know anyone till the first day

At my old school in Canada before the incident with my sister, I was known as the shy nerd who used to hide from the popular bunch.
The only reason I came to Hawkins was because of my mum shes the one who taken the whole thing really hard. I mean what do you expect when you're daughter is murdered well missing but police just presumed her dead.

I started walking to my new school. I was nervous, scared even. How would people treat me, what group I would be in. I started walking through the doors I knew everyone was wondering who the new girl was, where she came from and what she was like. I sat through most of my classes almost falling asleep in math, I hated math so much that I would rather do one hundred sit ups even though I happened to be terrible at sports and exercise.
It was then lunch time and I managed to make some friends with freshmens their names being Mike and Dustin they seemed alright and nice enough to keep around  for the first day but they were hanging out with this weird dude called Eddie who had the typical rocknroll Typa look, and too be honest he was kinda hot-

"who is this new comer" Eddie questioned while he pointed at me while looking at Dustin and mike,
"Oh ah this is Y/n shes new here" Mike side slightly nervously.
"Does she play?"
"Uh we don't know you have to ask her"
Everyone at the table heads turn to me
"Uh no not really but I can learn"
"Well I guess welcome to the club y/n!!!" He said all dramatically
"Thanks haha, so when do you guys get together and play"
"Well we have a big duel tonight the night of the tigers basketball match" Dustin said perking up excitedly "and you came at a great time because we needed one more player because Lucas is playing the match"
"Yea he left us for the popular 'cool' kids" Eddie said using quotations while rolling his eyes back after glaring at the group with the varsity jackets.

After lunch it was just back to classes I had art last and I sorta liked the subject and was quite good at it if I do say so myself. I was just painting normally in class when I heard a knock on the classroom door- it was the long curled hair DND nerd asking to join the class, I was confused on why he would ever wanna join this class because he didn't look like the type of person to enjoy this subject. He started talking to our teacher like they were friends, then the Miss ended up pointing at the sit next to me which ended up being empty...

I need some ideas for the next paragraph or so if you have any pls give me some 😭

And with the name thing would you guys prefer an actual name or just y/n

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