CHAPTER 6 - mall

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i hear faint laughing as i wake up, opening my eyes slowly. the bed weight slightly tilts behind me so i turn over, seeing olivia and madelyn sitting on the bed, conan and gracie sitting on the couch in front. "morning, y/n." olivia whispers. "hi, olivia, hey guys." i say, sitting up as i rub my eyes. "you missed breakfast, i didn't wanna wake you up, sorry." madelyn says. "it's okay, i'll have something here." i say, standing up as i stretch. i bend down and open the mini fridge, not seeing my iced coffee. "did you take my coffee, madelyn?" i say, turning around. "no, i think the boys took it." she says. "oh my god," i mutter, standing up as olivia laughs. "i had like 5 bottles and they took all of it?!" i say, walking to the door.

i knock on timothee and harry's door, the door opening. "did you take my iced coffee?" i ask. "yeah, we took them." harry says, smiling. "did you drink all of it?" "no, we have like 3 bottles left." he says, walking back into the room. i hold the door with my foot, and harry comes back with the 2 drinks. "you could've asked before you took them, idiot!" i say, smiling. "well where's the fun in that?" he says, handing me the bottle. i roll my eyes, taking the drinks. "see you later," i say, walking back to my door. i knock on the door, it opening a few seconds later. "did they drink the other 3?" madelyn asks. "yeah," i say, walking in. "of course they did," she says. "do you guys want any? they're really nice." conan, madelyn and madison say no, olivia zoned out. "liv," i say, making her look up. i throw her the bottle and she catches it, looking at the label. "it's iced coffee, try some." i say as olivia gives a thank you. i place the other bottle in the fridge, getting out a sandwich. i sit on the singular couch, placing my drink on the coffee table in front.

we decide to go shopping, and i open my suitcase as i sit on the floor. "what're you wearing?" olivia asks, sitting next to me. "no idea... wanna pick me something?" i ask. she smiles, nodding and i move over to the side. olivia goes through my clothes carefully, looking at all the clothes. "your style is amazing," she says, smiling. i thank her, olivia eventually picking an outfit.


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she hands the pieces of clothing to me with a proud smile, making me smile as i take it. "thanks, liv. i'll put it on now." i say, and we both stand up. "i'll wait here, then i'll go and get changed." she says, sitting on the end of the bed. "okay, i'll be back." i say.

i fix up the white, thin jacket as i walk out of the bathroom, closing the bathroom door. olivia looks up, smiling as she looks me up and down. "looks amazing!" she says, standing up. "dressed by the olivia rodrigo herself," i say, smiling. we talk for another few minutes until olivia leaves, getting changed. "i'll be back," she says. "okay, just knock whenever, i'll open it."

about 15 minutes later, i finish my makeup and there's a knock on the door. i stand up, opening it. "talk about style!" i say, smiling at olivia's outfit. i smile at olivia's hair, seeing them braided, the rest of her hair out.

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