CHAPTER 13 - french fries

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a/n - please remember to vote! comment, enjoy :)

"morning." i say, seeing olivia finally wake up after one and a half episodes of moon knight, the time being just past 11. "morning." she responds, half groaning as she rubs her eyes. "it's a little past 11." i say, closing my laptop. "did you miss breakfast?" she asks, knowing breakfast finishes at 9:30. "yeah, i just stayed here, we'll grab something later." i reply, laying down to face olivia with a smile. "you slept in!" i exclaim, olivia giving me a laugh as she looks down. "it was a good sleep," she says, moving closer to me. "what have you been doing while i was sleeping?" she asks, hugging the blanket that she scrunched up. "watching disney plus, waiting for you to wake up." i joke at the last part.

after figuring out madelyn and madison got along really well, they decided to stay in a room together for the rest of the cruise. i open the door for olivia as she rolls her suitcase and bags in, struggling quite a bit. i take off the duffel bag that was places on her suitcase, carrying it to make the extra few steps more bearable. i place the bag on the floor to the side, leaning against the couch. olivia places her suitcase on the side too, opening it after she lays it flat.

"you haven't got your drivers license yet?" i confirm, pressing the elevator button. "no, not yet." she says. "are you planning on getting it?" i ask, walking in. "mhm, eventually. but until then, when we're back home, you're driving everywhere!" "do i have a choice here?" i ask, laughing. "that's the point." she says, laughing too.

olivia and i sit opposite each other, both having some food from the buffet in front of us on a plate. i stick my fork through a french fry. "this is really random, but..." i start off, eating it. i chew a little faster, olivia's eyes on me as she waits for the rest of the sentence. "i feel like a 'normal' person with you." i say, doing bunny ears with my 2 fingers as olivia smiles. "sometimes i forget that i'm a celebrity when i'm with you until i remember, so thanks for making me feel like i'm like everyone else on this cruise." i thank, looking down to poke at another one. "i'm glad i make you feel that way, y/n. thank you for hanging out with me." she says, reaching her fork over to my plate. she stabs her fork through a fry, bringing it to her mouth. i smile, pushing my plate gently to the centre so olivia can get more. "whad'ya mean hanging out? we're literally dating, lover." i say with a chuckle.

i pull down a lever, ice-cream coming out. holding the cone underneath it, it falls down smoothly into it. i finish the top with a swirl, letting the lever go. i hand the ice-cream to olivia, who takes it with a thank you. i get another cone, doing the same thing. we start to walk back to the room, and i slow down a little so olivia walks next to me. she moves a little away, looking at me before looking away. "what's wrong?" i ask, moving closer to her. she moves away once again, looking at me with a blank expression, looking away. "what're you doing, olivia?" i ask, now more concerned. she bursts out laughing, shaking her head. "i'm pretending we're strangers and i have a crush on you, and you're kinda ruining the mood." she says, clearing her throat before she goes into her blank expression. the hell? i lick my ice-cream, looking at olivia, who's looking around, her eyes looking at me before she looks around again. "you're such a weirdo," i mumble, smiling. "sorry, what did you say?" she says, moving closer to me so she can hear. "i said... that you're really pretty!" i lie, smiling. "oh my gosh! i think you are too, do you wanna go out? i've had this massive crush on you since like- forever!" olivia acts, her voice high pitched. "of course! i'm so madly in love with you." i respond, caving in and going along with the act. olivia laughs, leaning into me. "do you think i'm a good actor?" she jokes. "you sure that was acting? i know you've had a crush on me since like- forever" i mock, smiling at the floor. "don't get all cocky, y/n!" she says, laughing again.

i dust the crumbs of the cone off my hands, getting out my room card. i swipe it on the lock, opening the door. i hold the door for olivia, closing it once she's in. "think about it, y/n! i would rather fight heaps of crocodiles than a swarm of bears." she says, sitting on the edge of the bed. "swarm of bears?" i ask, smiling. "yeah." "herd of bears." i correct her, placing my phone on the table. "yes, i've heard of bears y/n. that's why i choose crocodiles!" she says, standing back up. "oh my god..." i laugh, shaking my head.

the conjoining door opens, timothee holding the door handle. "do you guys have shampoo?" timothee asks. "yeah, got heaps." i say, walking to the bathroom.

olivia's pov

timothee waits by the door as y/n walks into the bathroom. "cute how you two are sharing a room now, who woulda thought?" he says, chuckling. "yeah, who woulda thought..." i say, looking at y/n as she comes out with a bottle of shampoo. y/n throws the bottle to timothee who reacted quickly, looking at the bottle in the air before catching it. "thanks." he says, nodding the bottle to y/n before closing the door. "always giving them shit." y/n says, laughing. "at least you're prepared!" i say, y/n laying with her calves hanging off the bed. "what can we do today?" i ask, turning down. i lean my elbow on the bed, leaning my head on the palm on my hand. i face y/n as she stares at the ceiling, thinking. "i heard there's ice-skating." i strike an idea. "you any good?" she asks, looking at me. "better than you i bet." i smile. y/n laughs, sitting up. "cocky, huh?" she smiles back. "shall we put it to the test, miss l/n?" "we shall." y/n stands up, taking out her phone. "i'll invite the others, can you invite madison, conan and gracie?" she asks. i take out my phone, sitting up.

y/n's pov

after around 45 minutes, olivia was finished getting ready.

"cute outfit!" i say, sitting up from the bed

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"cute outfit!" i say, sitting up from the bed. "don't have to get all sweet with me y/n, doesn't mean i'm gonna go easy on you!" she laughs, walking over to me. "i'm kidding, you have a cute outfit too."

(what we're wearing)

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(what we're wearing)

"don't have to get all sweet with me," i mock back, standing up. we leave the room, closing the behind me. we start to walk to conan and gracie's room, olivia knocking on the door. "hey lovebirds!" conan says as he opens the door. "good one, conan." olivia says sarcastically as we walk in.

i stay standing, facing olivia as she sits on the end of the bed. "sit down," she offers, shuffling over. "can't be bothered, we're going soon anyways." i state, looking around. "you can't be bothered... to sit down?" olivia asks, confused. "yeah, basically." i say with a smile. olivia looks down, holding both my hands. "just so you know, i haven't gone ice skating in years." she says and i laugh. "now you tell me, huh? losing faith in yourself?" olivia rapidly shakes her head no. "just thought i'd let you know." she says, standing up. "alright, i'm ready." conan says, walking out of the bathroom. "i swear if i fall on my ass and get my jeans dirty, i'm turning this cruise around and taking us home." he says, picking up his bag.

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