CHAPTER 7 - until i found you

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wtf almost 1k views already i swear i posted this story like 2 days ago😭 ALSO i'm changing the story line to make the characters famous like irl!! so y/n is an actress, timothee and harry are famous, gracie, conan and madison are what they are irl but olivia's not famous (as in post -all i want famous) yet! it just makes the story a little bit more interesting, hope u understand :))

please remember to vote and comment!

olivia finishes curling my hair, not burning it again this time. she places it down, turning it off. "see, you did it liv!" i say, standing up. "and it looks great!" i add, making olivia shake her head as she smiles. "i'm still so sorry!" she says, looking down. i walk in front of olivia, wrapping my arms around her waist. "it's okay, it didn't hurt that much, just shocked me! i've burnt myself countless times." i say, olivia wrapping her arms around my neck. "don't sweat it, i'm alright." i say, olivia nodding against my shoulder.

we embrace with each other for a few seconds, both letting go of the same time. "sorry," she says. "stop saying sorry! it's okay," i say. "sorry!" "olivia!" i exclaim, making her laugh as i laugh.

i hold the door as olivia, madelyn then madison walk out. i close the door, and we meet with timothee and harry at the elevator. "fancy guys!" i say to them, timothee wearing a velvet red suit and harry wearing a velvet emerald green suit. "you look great, y/n!" timothee says, harry saying it to everyone else as well. the elevator door opens, and we walk in the empty elevator.

the elevator stops at a level, the doors opening. a male and female walk in, looking 16. "oh. my. god." she girl says, eyes on harry. "YOU'RE HARRY STYLES! I'M TINA, I LOVE YOU!" she squeals, the male giving her a 'what the hell?' look. harry gives an awkward chuckle saying hi. the door closes, and she quickly fishes out her phone from her bag. "can we take a picture?" she asks. "yeah, 'course!" he says. "did you want everyone else in?" he asks. tina looks around, mouth agape as she scans the room. "oh my god... i must be dreaming." she says. her eyes meet mine and i give a polite smile. "you're y/n l/n! the actress, holy shit, you're so pretty in real life too!" she says. i laugh, thanking her.

she passes the phone to harry after fan girling about everyone else, and harry lifts his arms up to get everyone in the frame. "say harry's the best!" harry says, smiling as he does a peace sign. everyone laughs, and i smile, throwing my arm loosely around olivia. "harry sucks ass!" i say, harry laughing as he takes a few photos.

the pair thank us, getting out a few levels before the restaurant level. i realize my arm is still around olivia and i take it off, fixing the straps on my dress. we exit the elevator, walking to the restaurant.

the automatic doors open, and we walk to the table we're normally at, which was empty. olivia sits down first, and i sit next to her as gracie sits next to me, looking at everyone else's outfits. 99% of people wore fancy clothing, the 1% wearing a normal t-shirt and shorts or pants.

olivia's pov

we wait for our food, the same band playing as they always do. i take out my phone, resting my elbows on the table as i look through my messages. i go on tiktok, one of the first tiktoks being a girl with a filter on. the filter said 'kiss her' on her forehead, the girl watching the filter's kiss mark select a place on her face. it stops, the kiss mark landing on her forehead. i smile, tapping the filter and using it. i tap my screen, wondering why the filter wasn't starting. i realize i had to hit record for it to start, so i did. i lower my phone, leaning it on the edge of the table as i hold it, waiting for the kiss mark to land. after a few seconds, it lands on the center my cheek and i hear y/n chuckle. milliseconds later, her hand reaches to my cheek, her thumb and the side of her index finger holding my chin in place as she moves closer to me. i watch my phone screen with a smile, watching as y/n kisses my cheek, exactly where the filter said to. she pulls away, turning her face to my phone as her face softly against mine. she smiles, making me laugh. the tiktok video ends and y/n's hand drops back to her lap, smiling at me.

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