CHAPTER 27 - the ones i love

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a/n - please remember to vote! long ass chapter 1.8k words whew 

the car ride back to mine consisted of quiet radio music, barely any talking. i open the house door, olivia going in before i lock the door. we walk upstairs and we sit on my bed. i turn on the tv, waiting for it to load. "what did you think of filming?" i ask olivia, going onto disney plus. "it was great, to be honest. really fun." i nod, seeing oliiva's face on the disney plus cover- like i said. 

i tap the first episode, the episode name being 'auditions'. "i'm nervous!" olivia says. "why?" "because you're so gonna judge me." "i won't! i swear!"

we get through the first few episodes, olivia and i laughing at some of the jokes. of course, the show was good. great even. but most of the time i was focused on olivia's face as she was on screen. "y/n?" i look to olivia, responding with a "yeah?" "what do you think of the show so far?" olivia looks at me with a hopeful smile. "it's actually really good! nini's gotta be my favorite so far." "totally not bias, hm?" "totally not!" 

we watch until the sixth episode, the time hitting 10 o'clock. "i could watch this all night." i say, yawning. "so obsessed with my face?" olivia jokes. yes. "you wish!" i smile at olivia, my eyes going to her lips. don't look there. i look back up to olivia's eyes, but they seem to be on my lips. she rests her hand on the bed, leaning forward for support. 

olivia leans in more, our noses touching. her eyes start to slowly close, moving towards me. 'sometimes i just need a break from you!' i swallow, moving back, causing olivia to open her eyes. "i can't. i'm sorry."

 olivia's eyes fall to the bed with a nod. "i'm so sorry, y/n." she says, standing up from the bed. "can you take me home, please?" "yeah..." we walk to the car in silence, getting in. 

i start up the car, the radio music automatically turning on. the drive to olivia's house was excruciatingly painfully quiet. "are you okay?" olivia asks as i park in her drive way. "yeah, i'm fine." i say, with a small smile. she apologizes again, unbuckling her seatbelt. "thank you for taking me home," she says softly, voice on the edge of breaking. "no problem." i watch as olivia gets out of the car, closing it softly. she walks up to the door, unlocking it. olivia steps inside, turning around as she looks down, closing the door.

olivia's pov

i let out a big exhale as tears stream down my face, dropping on my bathroom floor. i pick up my composition book, writing out all my feelings into a song. 

'sit in your car, wait in the dark, radio is up and so is your guard. you don't know what to say. you're faking a smile, say that you're fine, and maybe it'll all work out in time, you've always been good that way. feel like ive done this before, you're fighting your tears as i open the door, and you deserve much more.

told me your past, you hated your dad, and when you left college, couldn't wait to go back 'cause you really trusted me. and what did i do? what did i do? i built you up, abandoned you and i'm too proud to say sorry. 

i didn't mean it baby, i didn't think it all through. i didn't mean it baby, always ruin good things like you. i watch the life drain out of your eyes and it's no surprise, it's no surprise.

seems like i always hurt the ones i love, now i watch you cry 'cause i wasn't enough. i watch you disappearing down the road. seems like i always hurt the ones i love the most.'

i go to the top of the page, writing the title of the song that took me almost an hour. 'the ones i love'. i get off the floor, stretching and going to wash my face in the sink. "why did i try and kiss her..." i mumble to myself, splashing water on my face.

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