CHAPTER 9 - i just wanted to let you know

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a/n - please remember to vote! btw i changed y/n to an actress bc i have no clue about models sorry for changing the story line sm oops

madelyn gasps after i told her that olivia and i kissed, and i laugh. "seriously?! "she asks, smiling. "yeah, seriously. it was the best kiss i've had." i say, smiling as i flop onto the bed. "oh my god, that's so hot. why can't that happen to me?" madelyn groans.

i scroll on instagram, seeing an update page for me on my explore page. 'NEW : y/n and friends going to eat at a restaurant!' i read the caption. i look up, seeing the photo, which was taken from the side, us walking into the mexican restaurant. the video was bad quality, like someone sent it to someone on snapchat. but it was pretty clear you could see olivia and i holding hands. i tap the comments, reading them. 'is that the girl from bizaardvark?' i read. 'yes olivia rodrigo, y/n followed her recently' 'are they dating?' 'i don't think so, although y/n had her arm around olivia in the picture with the fan in the elevator' the thread between 2 people said. "now that i think about it, update accounts are like diaries that you can go back on." madelyn makes a point. "except they're made by literal strangers taking photos and videos of me! but yeah, a diary to look back on." i say the first part sarcastically. madelyn laughs, shaking her head.

olivia's pov , 12pm the next day

i lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. "how are you holding up? not seeing your crush for the entire day is pure suffering." madison says dramatically. "i just... miss her so much!" i go along with the joke, laughing. "then just go see her, genius." "but what if she's avoiding me because of yesterday? she didn't go to breakfast." "well maybe she's just sleeping!" i groan, covering my face with my hands.

i pick up my phone, going to messages. tapping y/n's contact, i start to type. 'hey u up?' i text. minutes later, my phone vibrates. 'yeah, what's up?' she texts back.




hey u up?

yeah what's up

nothing just haven't seen

you all today

i've been sleeping😭

still so tired

yup thought so

you can come by if you want

madelyn's in the boys room

so i'll open the door

okay, i'll come by now :)


y/n's pov

i hear a knock on my door several minutes later, throwing the blanket off me as i swing my legs off the side of the bed. i open the door, letting olivia walk in. "just you?" i ask. "yeah, just me. why, is it not enough for you?" olivia jokes, smiling. "more than enough, in fact." i reply, closing the door. 

olivia sits on my bed as i lean my head on the head rest, legs out. "so you've been sleeping all day?" she asks, slight chuckle. "literally all day. the first time i got up was to open the door just then." i reply, running my hand through my hair in attempt to somewhat clean it. "seems fun, haven't slept in for a while." "you should try it sometime!" i advise, olivia laughing as she shakes her head. "madison will just wake me up." she says. "then come sleep in here, i wouldn't mind." "i might just have to." 

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