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"don't.. try to kill me.. if you want to live." That line kept repeating to Jake's mind.

He sighed, face-palming out of frustration.

"Mr. Sim?" Their teacher called him, Jake quickly sat properly and responded, "yes?" He smiled.

"Could you help me find your seatmate, Sunghoon?" She asked that made Jake's eyes to widen, "me?" He pointed himself.

Their teacher nodded, "please.. you're the only who can help me since his bestfriend was absent right now"

"I only need to talk to him, he should be attending his classes but look at this? He's not here again."

"but why me?" he's totally not for it, Sunghoon cutting classes isn't his business so why should he butt in?

"Someone told me that he saw you talking with him in the cafeteria yesterday.. so maybe you two are a little bit close.."

Jake sighed, "these people.." he mumbled, cursing under his breathe.

"we are not mrs.-" he couldn't continue when the teacher already left.

"why do she have to leave me with responsibility now?"


"i mean.. where could i possibly find him? this school is big, he could be anywhere or even nowhere."

"curse those people who loves to spread misinfos"

[ Unknown Number ]


"that should do for now"



"just where is he??" He frowned after walking around for minutes and still couldn't find him.

He stopped when a blazer fell on top of his face, his eyebrows furrowed and looked up, "there he is, the asshole"


"god why does it seems like these stairs roads to heaven?" Jake took a moment of break to breath.

"but.. aren't vampires afraid of sunlight?" he mumbled to himself, "or maybe it's just in the movies?"

"uh whatever.."


"he's just seriously.. nuts.. aren't he?" he scoffed seeing him sleeping on the edge, his eyes covered with his arm.

he threw his blazer exactly on him that woke Sunghoon up.

"the teacher wants to see you"

He was about to leave when the other stopped him, "you're leaving? after waking me up?"

"then should i apologize? i should be the one whom deserves to receive an apology since the teacher forced me into this"

"you have a choice yet you chose to obey her? even though it meant that you will meet me?" He raised a brow.

"just stop" Jake tried to remove his hand but as usual, he couldn't.

"you won't go anywhere, you'll be with me"

"you must think that i already have forgotten what happened last night, that is still bothering me. Even though the cut isn't here anymore, i could still remember the pain i had."

"well it isn't that serious so i did thought that you have already forgotten about it"

"isn't that serious???" Jake gave a look of unbelievable.

"yes, i healed it. There's nothing more to worry about, right? you're overreacting." Sunghoon rolled his eyes.

Jake scoffed, "you're really an ass"

"aren't you also?"

"just giving back the same energy towards you" Jake rolled his eyes in return.

moment of silence.

"by the way.. aren't vampires supposed to be avoiding sunlight?" he cleared his throat, avoiding any eye contacts as he feels a little shy to ask about it.

With that, Sunghoon bursted out laughing.

Jake glared at him, "what's funny?"

Sunghoon looked back smiling, "do you love watching cartoons? or those cringy movies about vampires? why would we fear sunlight?"

"i don't know.. because you're a vampire?"

"being a vampire doesn't automatically mean you're afraid of sunlight, if we are then i should be ashes right now"

"makes sense."

Sunghoon finally let go of his hand and stand up, about to leave- "where are you going?"

"you said our teacher wants to see me"

"ah.. right.. go on, i don't care"

"then why bother asking?" he heard Sunghoon mumbling.


"fuck i'm losing my focus here, whose phone kept ringing?" he mumbled and look around.

He saw Jungwon's phone and it isn't turned off, he can see his notifications getting bombed, "oh.. so it came from him.."

"hey, your phone-" he stopped when he saw the younger, peacefully sleeping, eyebrows furrowing because of the noise that his phone makes.

He smiled and swift his gaze to his phone, he saw how all of those notifications came from Jake

[ Hyung ]


I need to talk to you
Do something so Hee could leave his seat for a moment
Kick him or something
I just need to talk to you

Uh hello
This is hee

Sorry sorry
Forget what you saw
That wasn't me who rexted htat

Why your typings like that

Typos, sorry
Why are you using Jungwon's phone anyway?

He's sleeping

Oh okay
I know you wouldn't wake him up even if i tell you to do it


Just tell him that i messaged him
Thank u

Oh okay, i will.

He put it down and looked at Jungwon who's still sleeping, "you're still a heavy sleeper" he chuckles.

He tilt his head to look at him, his chubby cheeks caught his eyes, he smiled.


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