A Note

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Your loved ones can try as much as they want but they can't give you what you need.

That neither makes them bad nor does it make you selfish.

You are just someone with special needs. You need constant reassurance, hug, and love, in a language that only you understand.

So, ask help from a professional, who will understand you the way you want to be understood.

No one talks about their worst days. No one talks about the days when they were on the verge of giving up. No one tells us what they did to keep going. What everyone tells us, is about how unfortunate they were, still they never gave up and kept going.

So, if you there feeling alone with your feelings. You can read my journal. Let's make each other less lonely.

And never tell someone you're too much. Be it when they are expressing how something makes them happy or about something that depresses them.

They chose you out of hundred people out there, to share something that is so important to them. Don't make them feel foolish doing so.

Cause we lonely, sad, introvert people hold very few people close to our hearts. Don't give us a reason to subtract people from our list. Bottling up emotions isn't a good feeling. I hope you understand, if not we'll be glad if you try.

It never hurts to be a little considerate, thoughtful, and kind.

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