Chapter 1

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I blocked out my dad and step moms voice and stared outside the window of the car wishing I was back in Washington. I looked over at Scotty, my new younger by two years step brother and noticed he was also sad about moving. He was just staring out of the window in complete silence.

"Are you two excited about moving to California?" Susan, my new step mom asked happily breaking me from my thoughts.

Scotty just kept staring out the window not even turning to look at his mother. I glanced at her quickly then turned my head to look out the window. I heard her sigh sadly and saw my dads hand rub her back to comfort her. I rolled my eyes at that gesture. My mother just died a year ago and he's already being all romantic with a woman. I was so upset. I didn't even want to go to the wedding for them two. I clenched my hands and closed my eyes tightly.

"Are you okay?" Scotty asked anxiously.

"bitchin'," I replied sarcastically still staring out the window.

We finally made it to California and it was about 2:00p.m. in the afternoon. Tomorrow Scotty and I would be going to school, which only had a week left. I wish Susan just let us not go to school. We were moving boxes until I noticed a cute looking boy walking home with a baseball glove in his hand. Scotty was staring at him and the boy turned around to look. Scotty waved excitingly at him hoping that he would be a friend, but the boy just slightly smiled and nodded. When he caught my eye, my stomach turned. I quickly looked away and took the box I was holding in the house.

"He plays baseball," Scotty said smiling slightly.

"Yeah, I noticed the glove in his hand, Scotty."

"Maybe I can play with him."

"Yeah, maybe."

"Are you two hungry?" Susan asked.

"No, I'm just going to go to my room," I said bitterly to her.

"Look she'll warm up to you. I promise," I heard my dad say to Susan.

"What if she never warms up to me, Bill?" I sighed as I heard Susan say that and went to my room.

"Elizabeth, wake up. It's dinner time," I heard Scotty say from the other side of the door. I looked up at the clock on my wall and realized it was 6:00p.m. I quickly made my way out of my room and to the dining room to eat.

"Lizzie, we are having mac n cheese for dinner," dad said happily knowing I like that dish.

"Yummy," I said sarcastically.

"Liz, stop with this attitude. It's getting old," my dad demanded.

"Yeah and what, is mom old news too, dad?"


"No dad. Don't even say anything. May I be excused?" I asked cutting him off.

He just nodded. I got up and left the dinner table to go take a shower. Scotty and Susan both had wide eyes. When I got to my room, I quickly went to the bathroom to shower. I was back in my room and decided to look at pictures of my mother and I. The last picture I had before she was killed in the car accident was of her with me at my softball game. She taught me how to play softball and was the reason I loved the sport. I haven't touched my glove and bat ever since her death and I don't know if I'd be able to without crying. I sighed putting the pictures away and went to sleep dreading about tomorrow because of school.

"Elizabeth, wake up. It's your first day of school," I heard Susan say as she was knocking on the door softly.

"I'm up," I yelled back. I got out of bed, picked out a t-shirt and jeans, then went to the bathroom to get ready. When I was finished, I went back to my room and put perfume on. I grabbed my backpack, put my black and white hightop converse on, and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning, Elizabeth," Scotty said softly.

"Mornin'," I replied and grabbed two pancakes then drowned them in syrup.

My dad already left for work, while Susan was the stay at home mother. After we finished breakfast, Scotty and I walked to school. Scotty was in the sixth grade and I was in the eighth. When we got there, the students were looking at us. I noticed many of the girls were dressed in dresses and skirts. I looked down at my outfit and sighed. I mean I am girly, but I threw most of them out because it reminded me too much of when my mom used to dress me up.

"We should get to the office," I said to Scotty.

"Hello dears, what may I do for you?" The nice receptionist asked showing her pearly white teeth.

"Hi, we are new students," I said smiling slightly.

"Your names?"

"Elizabeth and Scotty Smalls."

As she was grabbing our class schedules, I thought about how Scotty got carried with our last name ever since the marriage. He isn't my real brother, but with him having the same last name as me made if feel like he was my brother.

"Here you two are. The bell schedule is right on the back of your schedule. I hope you both have a wonderful day." The receptionist smiled handing us over our schedules.

"Thank you," Scotty and I responded at the same time.

"I'll see you after school." Scotty smiled. I nodded and smiled slightly, already warming up to him.

The day was filled with awkwardness as all the students were just staring at me. I only saw Scotty at lunch and we sat next to each other because we didn't make any friends. During lunch, I also saw the boy that was walking by when we moved in. He glanced at me and smiled. I smiled slightly and looked away. I noticed a girl with bright blonde straight hair go up to him and smile. Looks like he's going steady I thought to myself. But she frowned and walked away from him with a face that looked like she was insulted or something. The rest of the day went by quickly and I was finally home. Scotty said he wanted to go explore a bit so we went our separate ways when we walked home. I was looking through my last box that I needed to unload. It was my softball and baseball stuff. I opened it and quickly shut it back up because the tears were coming. I didn't realize Susan was at the door.

"Elizabeth are you okay?"

"No! Just leave me alone. Please get out!" When she went out, I slammed the door and cried in my bed. I missed my mom. I missed playing softball with her. I missed her telling me stories about her playing softball. I missed the time times her, dad, and I used to play outside in our yard, then have a nice picnic. All I wanted was to be comforted. All I wanted was my mother back.

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