Chapter 3

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When I got to the sandlot, I saw that they were playing. I walked up to them and all they were doing was staring at me. I glanced at Scotty and waved. He waved back. Weird, I thought they thought he was a doofus. Maybe they warmed up to him. I walked up to Benny and smiled slightly.

"Hi, is it to late to join the game?" I asked Benny. As Benny was about to reply, he got cut off.

"You play?" A chubby boy with similar hair color to mine asked. 

"As a matter of fact, I do. So may I join?" I looked back at Benny for an answer.

"Uh yeah sure, you can," he stuttered nervously.

"What the hell, Benny man?" Red-head said.

"Ham, she might actually be good. So shut it," Benny said.

"But she's a girl Benny."

Since Ham yelled that last statement, it caused all the guys to cuss out about it. All but Benny and Scotty were dissing me or actually dissing girls in general. 

"Look, I played softball ever since I was a toddler. So I might be better than you," I said to all of them. All they did was laugh at me.

"Softball is for skirts like you to play. You ain't even gonna be able to hit or catch a baseball. You might break a nail because of how hard it is," a dark skin boy said to me.

"Yeah yeah, you're just gonna end up like how your brother was. On the ground," a short boy said as he was chewing his gum. Everyone just laughed and looked at Scotty. He blushed slightly but laughed with them. What the hell!

"I thought I told you to stop laughing at my stepbrother."

"Liz, it's alright. We are all friends now. It was just a joke," Scotty said smiling. I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Why would you want to be friends with them?"

"Because they accepted me. I'm happy." He said happily. I nodded my head satisfied that he finally made friends but also slightly worried that they were just pretending. I looked around at each boy again and realized they were genuine towards Scotty. 

"Yeah skirt so why don't you go sit in the dugout or go home. You don't belong here. You aren't a guy," the chubby boy said which made me mad.

"Look, I can strike you out. Don't tell me I can't play just because I'm a girl. And do not call me skirt. My name is Elizabeth," I said with danger in my voice.

"Let's see you strike one of us out," the dark-skinned boy said throwing me the ball for me to pitch. I caught the ball with ease

"Ham, since you're the one saying she isn't good enough, why don't you be the one to bat," Benny said.

"Alright, but you're gonna be sorry skirt."

"Stop calling me that. I told you my name."

He just rolled his eyes and positioned himself. I thought about pitching like I did with my softball but I was actually really good at pitching a baseball.

"Make sure you don't blink ok?" I smirked at him. I threw him one of my heaters and liked I guess it went straight into Benny's glove. I sighed happily.

"Whoa, Ham. You just got beat by a girl," a small boy with glasses said and laughed hard with the rest of the guys.

"Shut the hell up!" Ham yelled. "You cheated!"

"She didn't cheat Ham. You just missed," Benny said smirking at him.

Ham huffed in annoyance and went to the dugout to sit. Everyone else followed, so I followed too.

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