Chapter 4

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It was a new day and we were at the sandlot again. It was Ham's turn to bat. Kenny and I were taking turns to pitch and I was sitting under the dugout while he was there gloating about throwing Ham the heater.

"Hey Ham, I dare you to hit my ball," Kenny said causing him and the other guys to laugh loudly.

"Yeah, you should give him a tennis racket. He might actually hit it," Yeah Yeah said jokingly.

"You'll be sorry guys," Ham replied smirking.

Kenny pitched him a fast ball to which Ham actually hit. It went flying right over the fence in back of Scotty. Ham's smile on his face widened and he started running around the baseball diamond. Everyone but Scotty and I were cussing him out.

"Man Ham now we cannot play no more," Benny said annoyed.

"Yeah Ham, you idiot."

"Man Ham you ruined the day now. What we gonna do now?"

"Ham you idiot."

Everyone just started throwing their gloves at him and called him an idiot. They were punching him and yelling at him. I started to wonder why they couldn't just hop the fence and grab the ball. I mean it wasn't hard to do to just jump the fence. I noticed Scotty going towards the fence as everyone was yelling at Ham.

"Nooooo!" Squints was the first running to Scotty as everyone also yelled no and ran with Squints. I quickly got up and started going towards everyone. When they got to Scotty he was halfway climbing the fence but was soon carried down by the guys. I was so confused about what was going on.

"Are you crazy man?" Kenny looked at Scotty with wide eyes.

"Yeah yeah, what were thinking?" Yeah Yeah asked.

"Well you were all yelling at Ham and was about to leave so I thought I could just hop the fence and go get the ball," Scotty said confused. I was also confused by watching all of them.

"If you were thinkin', you wouldn't have gone to hop the fence," Squints said slowly. Now I was really confused and curious.

"Why?" Scotty and I asked at the same time. The guys glanced at me slightly then back to Scotty and said, "the beast."

"What the heck is the beast?" I was more confused than ever.

"Some gigantic dog that eats people."

"Okay yeah, you're making that up. There is no such thing," I said loudly.

"Fine, go over there and look through the whole in the fence and you'll see it," Ham said. I looked at all of them and they just stared at me.

"You too Scotty," Squints said.

"Be very quiet," Benny added slowly.

"Go," they all said together signaling us to walk to the fence. We started slowly to the fence. I looked back and looked at Benny to see he slightly had fear in his eyes. I turned back around and were at the fence.

"Shh," I heard the guys mumble.

When I looked into the hole of the fence, I knew for a fact the dog was dangerous. I didn't want to be in the presence of it. It was huge and looked like it wanted to break down the fence as it ran to Scotty and I causing us to run back towards the guys. Scotty was the first to talk.

"What was that?" He asked with fear.

"Campout," the guys said together looking at each other.

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