Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sun streaming through my curtains. I quickly lifted my head from my pillow and looked at the clock and realized I overslept. It was 10 am already. I cannot believe I overslept and no one woke me up. How rude. I walked to the front and noticed I was the only one home. Scotty must have gone to the sandlot and Susan probably went grocery shopping or hanging with the neighbors. I quickly walked back to freshen up and get ready in the bathroom. When I was finished, I walked out and saw Scotty zoom right in the house looking flustered but stopped when he saw me.

"Hey Scotty, everyone at the sandlot today?"

"Yup," he replied quickly with a small smile on his face.

I looked up at him with curiosity. I chose to ignore and went back to my room. I grabbed my pink flannel and put on my P.F. Flyers. I headed to the front to where Scotty would be waiting. When I got there, I noticed that he was gone already. I inwardly groaned and started making my way to the sandlot. I was so excited to see Benny even though I saw him last night. I think I am obsessed with him. I better not become one of those obsessive girlfriends. I laughed at that thought. When I got there, I saw Scotty running up to Benny.

"Benny, Benny, I got the ball. See, I got the ball," Scotty was saying giving him the ball.

"Bitchin', your ball, your ups. Here ya go," I heard Benny say and pass the bat to Smalls. He started running towards Kenny and tossed him the ball and turned around to make his way to me.

"Hello cutey," he said hugging me. I heard the boys make a gagging sound. I just laughed and rolled my eyes at them.

"Hi again," I replied smiling. He kissed my cheek then ran to his position, left the center on the field.

"Your fly's down," Ham said to Scotty causing Scotty to look down at his pants. The ball that Kenny pitched went right into Ham's mitt. I giggled at how childish Ham was being to Scotty.

Scotty made his batting form and when Kenny pitched, Scotty made a big swing. Wow, it had to be a homer. He started running as I was watching the ball.

"Yes," Scotty cheered for himself.

"Way to go to school meat. Taught him everything he knows," Ham boosted while watching Scotty's retreating body run.

I watched Benny run to catch the ball but it went right over the fence. I started cheering for Scotty with everyone else. I noticed Scotty slowing down as he passed second base.

"Yeah Scotty!" Everyone was saying.

"That went clear over," Bertrum said to Scotty.

"Smalls, third base is that you," Bertrum said when he realized Scotty wasn't running anymore.

"Oh no," he kept repeating.

"Yeah Smalls great hit, great hit. It's way out! Who's got the big bat now boys?" Benny was saying.

As I was running towards everyone, I watched as Scotty started walking towards the fence and stopping to look at it. He started shaking his head and mumbling something that I could not hear. All the guys were as confused as I was.

"You're supposed to go to third base. Smalls?" Ham was asking.

"Smalls?" Everyone asked confused.

"What the heck is he doin'? Ham asked.

"Scotty are you okay?" I asked with concern.

"Must be the shock of his first home run," Bertrum said.

"Scotty?" I asked again. "What is it?" I asked getting annoyed with him not responding to me.

"We have to get the ball back," he turned around talking to us.

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