Chapter 8

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I woke back up and it was now 4:00 p.m. I quickly got out of bed and went to my closet to pick out what I was going to where. A knock at my door caused me to turn around. Susan opened it and smiled at me.

"I hear you got a date tonight," she smiled at me.

"Scotty's gotta big mouth," I said then laughed.

"Sorry, I just had to tell her." Scotty walked into my room with an innocent smile.

"It's fine. I'm not sure what I am going to wear."

"Well, you should look presentable but casual," Susan said thoughtfully.

"Did he say where you guys were going? Like anywhere fancy?" Susan asked.

I shook my head no then looked at Scotty. "You should know something Scotty. Should I wear like a fancy kind of dress or can I go causal?"

"Um, casual. That is all I'm gonna say."

I took out a blue short dress that had a nice floral design and slipped on shorts underneath. Susan said I should wear short heels, but I kindly declined and told her I was going to go in my pair of blue converse. After I had my outfit set, I noticed it was 5:00 pm. I hurried to take a shower taking about fifteen minutes. I put my dress on and went on to do my hair. I brushed through it as I thought about a hairstyle. After a while, I decided to just leave it down and put a nice white headband on. I didn't want to wear any makeup, so I just added a small dab of peach pink lipstick and grabbed a pair of socks. I took out my blue converse from the closet, grabbed my small handbag, and headed to the front. I looked up at the clock and noticed it was 6:00. There was a knock at the door which made the jump because I was nervous. I heard Benny's voice greet my father and Susan. My father and Susan came into the living room and told me Benny was here.

"I can't believe my little girl is going on a date. Remember that right hook I taught you," he said jokingly.

"Alright dad. Don't worry Benny is a sweet guy."

"Have fun, Lizzie," he hugged me.

"Thank you daddy, I love you."

Have fun," Susan said with a smile.

"Bye Susan, thank you so much."

I waved at both of them and headed towards the door. I saw that Scotty was at the door talking to Benny. They both turned around when they saw me and Benny gasped. I looked at him to see he was wearing a blue flannel with a black shirt underneath, dark blue jeans, and his black P.F. Flyers. He just looked at me with wide eyes and a big smile on his face. I looked over at Scotty to see he was winking. I laughed at him as laughed back.

"Don't you look pretty. Have fun both of you." Scotty waved as we walked out of the house. We waved back and left quickly. As we were walking, Benny grabbed my hands. Our hands together felt like a puzzle piece that was meant to be together or a plug that needed electricity to work.

"You look really pretty, Ellie." Benny smiled as he said that.

"You look handsome yourself," I said cheekily. He laughed at me as I blushed slightly.

"I hope you're excited."

"I am. I don't like surprises but for you, I made an exception."

"I promise you'll like it." As he said that, I noticed we were walking towards the sandlot. I had a feeling we were going there.

When we got there, I saw a huge trampoline set up. Where in the world did that come from? I was stunned. I saw the dugout was decorated beautifully with lights and I saw a table right in front of the dugout. Benny led us to the dugout and I was completely stunned. In the dugout, there was board games, his baseball glove, his bat, and a random beach ball. On the table, there was two plates that were covered, two cokes, and two Twinkies. That must be our dessert.

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