Chapter 10

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It was Sunday, the next day and when I went to the dining room for breakfast, I saw that my dad was home and grabbing his suitcase. I got a little confused. I noticed Scotty wasn't ready yet. He probably was still feeling sick from last night. I went up to my dad and Susan.

"Where are you off to dad?"

"I have business in Chicago for a few days. I'll be be back," my dad said giving me a big hug. When I let go of my dad nodding, I saw that Scotty was outside but he was looking pale.

"Scotty are you sick? You're looking pale," Susan asked putting her hands on his forehead.

"I'm fine mom. Where are you off to Bill?" He asked my dad.

"Got business to do in Chicago. I'll be back. Be the man of the house okay?" My dad stuck his hand out for Scotty to shake. Scotty shook his head nodding. My dad gave me a kiss on my head then he put all of his thing in the trunk of the car.

"I'll be back. I'm just gonna go drop him off and do some grocery shopping," Susan said. We both just nodded. I didn't feel like going. I just wanted to stay in and watch TV today. To the looks of Scotty, he looked like he was still recovering from last night. When Susan and my father left, I looked over at a pale Scotty.

"It's your fault trying to be like everyone last night, Scotty," I said jokingly while laughing. He just looked at me and rolled his, then playfully pushed me.

"I'm going in the house," he announced and walked to the house.

I followed him and decided to watch some TV. As I was watching TV, I felt my eyes shutting. A knock at the door woke me up and I realized that it was now 11. I slept for two hours. I quickly made my way to the door to be greeted by my handsome boyfriend.

"Hey Smalls," he said smirking.

"Shut up, Rodriguez," I said sassily back to him smirking as well. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I don't know. I was bored and it seems like everyone is too sick to play baseball so I was gonna ask if you wanted to play a bit at the sandlot?"

"Yeah sure. Let me just go tell Scotty and grab my shoes in my room."

I made me way to Scotty's room to see him sleeping. I decided to leave him a note. I then made my way to my room and grabbed my all black P.F. Flyers. I quickly put it on and then went back down the hall to the front to see Benny waiting. I grabbed my bat and mitt.

"You ready?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Yeah," he said smiling looking me over.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"The fact that my girlfriend has matching shoes like me makes me happy," he said.

I looked down and noticed I was indeed wearing the same shoes as Benny. I just smiled cheekily at him and said, "hey I must really have good taste in shoes huh?"

"Yes, you do. That is one of the reasons why I like you so much."

"What's the other reasons?" I asked curiously.

"It's a long list. I'll tell you one day."

We made our way to the sandlot and played catch for a bit. He started chasing me around the sandlot and when he caught me, we both fell. He started to tickle me causing me to burst into a fit of laughter. I felt tears coming down as he was tickling me and I couldn't take it.

"Ahhhh Benny stop. That tickles. I can't stop laughing," I said between breaths.

He just burst out laughing and then stopped. He looked down at me and burst out laughing again.

"What the hell is wrong?" I asked with my nose scrunched up.

"Your face and hair," he said still laughing.

"Oh shut it," I said playfully shoving him as we were both on our feet.

"You still look pretty though," he said as he grabbed my hands pulling me back to him.

We were just sitting under the dugout talking about random things like baseball, food, the arcade, and about the boy's situation at the carnival. We were just laughing and enjoying each other. He really makes me happy. As I looked at him, he was staring out at the sandlot. He was truly a handsome boy. I'm such a lucky girl. I didn't realize I was smiling until he pointed it out.

"Why are you just smiling?" He asked breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry I was just thinking."

"Thinking of how good looking I am?" He asked trying to be cocky.

"Hm, I didn't know you were such a cocky guy Benny," I said turning away acting like I was upset about it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as cocky. I was just jok-," he started saying with a nervous look.

"I'm just kidding. You should see your face right now. You look all scared and sorry," I burst out laughing to which he just stuck his tongue out at me.

"Geez, I thought you were serious you blockhead."

"You're just so gullible," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"C' mon lets go get some ice cream and then I'll take you home."

"Yummy, okay!" I said happily. I'll do anything for ice cream.

We walked to the nearest ice cream parlor and went inside. There was a lot of little kids in here with their parents and they were all hyper. We both ordered chocolate ice cream and sat at a booth. As we were eating, a few kids walked up to us.

"Is he yo boyfwend?" The little girl in the pink dress asked. She was so cute.

"He is my boyfriend," I said smiling sweetly at her.

"He so cute. Can he be my boyfwend too?" She asked nervously. Her face was red and her friends were just giggling with red faces too.

"Hm, why don't you ask him," I said still smiling sweetly at this cute girl. She quickly looked at Benny with her big green eyes.

"Can you be my boyfwend?" She asked him. Benny just giggled and touched her head.

"I'm a bit too old for you don't you think? One day you'll find a boy just like me. What is your name cutie?" He asked her. When he said cutie, she giggled.

"I'm Emoly," she said in a nervous voice.

"Well Emily, this is my cute girlfriend Elizabeth and when you grow up, you're gonna be just like her. She is sweet and caring just like you," he said and poked her little nose.

"You lucky Elizobeth," she said looking at me smiling. All of sudden a sweet motherly voice called for her daughter and her friends.

"Bwye," she said waving to us with her friends following still giggling.

"She was really cute," I told Benny.

"I know. I'm guessing you were just like her when you were that age."

"I can't really remember. I kind of blanked out on everything that held memories of my mom. It sometimes hurt just thinking about the past."

"Well sometimes having memories of her is a good way to remember her rather than forgetting. Don't dwell on the present forgetting, embrace on the past remembering," he said thoughtfully.

"Thanks, Benny."

"No problem," he grabbed my hand and then put it to his lips kissing the top of my hands then the palm of my hands, "we should go."

We both got up and started walking home. When we got to my door, I realized that Susan was already home. I looked up at Benny and gave him a short but sweet kiss. He said bye, but when I started walking away, he grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. I, of course, hugged back. I felt him then kiss my head and let go. He started smiling and backing up waving then turned around walking to his house. I just watched him walk for a bit then went into the house.

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