Chapter 12

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A knock on my door woke me up. I looked at my clock and realized it was 7am. I groaned softly and got up walking towards the door to see who was knocking. When I opened it, I was welcomed by the face of my step little brother. His face held sorrow.

"What?" I asked coldly. I was still mad at him. I didn't want to be mad at him but it was hard to since he took my dads ball without even telling me.

"Look I am really sorry for taking Bill, uh I mean dads ball. It was truly stupid of me. But we are gonna try and get it back."

"You could have just asked me for baseballs. I have some in my room. But no you took the liberty of just taking dads baseball. What the hell were you thinking Scotty?"

"I wasn't alright. But it would be great if you helped us," he said pleadingly.

"Why should I? So I could get in trouble with you?"

"No.. Just.. Well. I don't know. I thought because you're a smart girl, you could be of help to figure out how to get the ball back."

"Let me go get dressed," I said softly.

I made my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I was brushing my teeth, I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed how down I looked. Why do I feel so unhappy? It can't just be because of Scotty. After I finished I headed to my room and got ready. I put on my P.F. Flyers and made my way to the front to see Scotty anxiously waiting.

"So we bought a new ball yesterday and put in the trophy room to buy us some time," Scotty said not looking at me.

"You can look at me you know?" I demanded to cause him to look up at me fast.

"Sorry, it's just I don't know how to act in front of you. I mean I did do something pretty stupid."

"It's fine. Let's just worry about getting the ball back."

We made our way to the sandlot and I was deep in thought thinking. I was so so so happy the other day but I can't help but feel the unhappy feeling forming in me. What is getting me feeling like this? I don't even know my own damn emotions. My thoughts were cut by a soothing voice.

"Hey, you guys are here. Everyone is in the treehouse waiting," Benny said. I looked up at him to see he was already looking at me. I think he noticed my unhappy state because he looked at me sadly.

We walked into Timmy and Tommy's yard and made our way to the ladder of the treehouse. As Scotty was climbing up, I was stopped by Benny's hand.

"Hey, Ellie is everything alright?"

"Um, yes. Everything is fine," I said timidly. He could tell I was lying because he raised an eyebrow but nodded. I turned back around to climb up the ladder. I honestly don't even know what to tell Benny because I don't know what I am feeling and why I am feeling that way. When I got inside, everyone looked at me with pity.

"Okay, why is everyone looking at me like that?" I demanded to cause of the boys to look away quickly.

"We just feel really bad with everything that's happened because of this dork," Squints said pointing at Scotty. Scotty just looked down in shame.

"Like I said to Scotty, its fine. Lets just focus on getting the ball back."

We all sat in silence thinking of a way to get the ball back. As I was about to tell them we should just go over there and get it back, Scotty spoke.

"Guys I got it. Why don't we go over there, knock on the door, and ask Mr. Myrtle to get it for us?"

"What are you crazy? He's the meanest old man that ever lived. He's the one that made The Beast eat that kid. It's not an option Smalls. Forget about that idea," Squints said as he pushed his glasses to his face. I was completely annoyed.

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