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Sixteenth chapter out!!! Sorry for the long wait, I just haven't had the thoughts, nor motivation, and time to concentrate on this. And I guess I've been having a bit of writers block. Nearly 1000 views, wow! Hope you enjoy it.

I don't own any character except Garth or Lily.

Garth sat down on a sofa against the wall of the lounge, staring at Johnny, who had summoned him and Ben (sitting in front of some dum bells) to there earlier to talk about something.  Alicia and Lily were with them, who was on Garth's right. "So, what did you summon us here for?" Lily asked. "They're breaking up the team. Reed and Sue, I overheard them. They want a nice, normal, boring-ass life. No more Fantastic Five." Johnny explained, which made Garth move his head to face him, as he raised an eyebrow in surprise. He didn't want the team to break up. And he really didn't like being kept in the dark about this decision. Ben then stood up. "Well... what do they expect us to do? Keep the going, just the three of us?" Ben asked. "And call ourselves what? The Dynamic Trio?" Johnny asked back, which made Alicia scoff. "That doesn't even have the same vibe, nor does it rhythm." Garth spoke. "When were they gonna tell us?" Ben asked loudly, as Garth then stood up, as Johnny gestured at Ben's question with a wave of his right hand/arm. "Yeah. And why didn't they let us in on it? A decision like this should be made with the opinion of the whole team. This should be a team discussion, not one between just them." Garth added. "They'll tell you when they're ready to tell you." Alicia then said. "It's thier decision, not yours. You can't be mad at them for doing what makes you happy." She continued. Garth then heard the sound of the door open, so he turned leftwards to face it and saw Reed. "Guys. We've got a serious problem. He said. 

Reed the took them all to the lab, where the main screen was activated, showing several different solar systems out in space. "I've been cross-referencing the  Surfur's radiation through every astronautical database. Altair 7, Rigel 3, Vega 6." Reed explained, bring up several pictures of different planets. "He's been to all these planets?" Ben asked. "And now they're lifeless. Barren. Some even shattered. Everywhere the Surfur's goes, 8 days later, the planet dies." Reed added/answered. This made Garth turn his head leftwards to look at Reed, his expression a mistress of shock and fear. "And he's already been here for a good few days, eh?" He spoke. "How are we gonna stop him? We don't even know where he is." Ben asked, as Garth looked back at the screen. An image on the screen then appeared, showing that  the craters were deep enough that somehow a bulge had appeared beneath them, the bulge leading to the magma of the mantle. "What about the craters?" Sue then asked, as several mathematical symbols then appeared by a box marked 1-8, (1-6 filled, the last two empty) on the screen. "They're appearing in a numerical sequence. The last crater was formed in Greenland, so... they next in the sequence should be... latitude 51 degrees, 30 minutes north, longitude 0 degrees, 7 minutes west." Reed explained, reading the coordinates that had just come up on the screen. "And where on Earth is that?" Garth asked.

That turned out to be London, England.

A minute or two later, Garth ran down a corridor to find Lily, and saw her leaning her back against the left hand side wall. "Lily!" He said, making her turn her head leftwards to face him, and then she moved forwards a foot away from the wall, and turned her body leftwards to face him, as he came up to her. "Listen. I haven't got long. I need you to go home. We're going to England." Garth said. "England?" Lily asked, to which Garth nodded in response. Deep inside, he was worried, as if they don't succeed in stopping the Silver Surfur in the next few days, the entire world will be destroyed. As will her. And he didn't want that to happen. "Yeah. But the thing is... if we don't stop this thing, ...everything we know and love will end. And I'm scared. To be homest, I'm not fully sure what to do." Garth said, with a hint of sadness in his voice, as he looked down and rightwards at the floor. His sight was kept on the floor for a few seconds before he felt Lily touch the edge of his furry mouth with her right hand and lifted his head upwards to view her face, making eye contact. "Hey. The best thing you can do is be yourself. Be who you are. Be the man I love. For the world. For you. For me. And for your team. Your friends. Be the Furball." Lily spoke wisely with a smile, while her right hand then touching the left side of his furry muzzle. This made Garth feel a bit happier. "Just do your best, and the others will. Have faith in yourself, my love. As they have faith in you." She added. Garth absorbed those words and knew she was right. "I will. Thanks for the advice, my love." Garth said, looking more confident, with a smile forming on his face. "Your welcome. I'm may not be strong, nor heal like you, but I'm smart." Lily replied, to which Garth let out a chuckle. "Good luck, my macho Hero." She added. "Thank you, Lily." Garth spoke with a bigger smile, before he then kissed her on the lips, eyes closed as she then kissed back. About Two seconds later, he moved his head back and opened his eyes. He stared at her lovingly, memorising the sight, hoping it wasn't for the last time, and turned around and ran off to get ready.

Some time later, in London...

Garth sat with the others, in the back of a Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter with the others, in thier suits, and on General Hager's right, in combat gear. The helicopter was heading towards the designated area in London,  in the River Thames, near the iconic London Eye Ferris wheel, and the Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament). "When he surfaces, we gotta move the fifth aeay from the crowd." Reed ordered. "No, he's too fast to be contained. When I see Silver, I'm hitting him!" Johnny said back. "Wait, you can't do that. We gotta stick to the plan and work as a team." Reed replied. "Oh, so we're a team now? That's news to me." Johnny said sarcastically. "What are you talking about?" Reed asked, Garth obviously knowing what he was talking about. "You know what I'm talking about." Johnny said back, and Reed and Sue were silent for a moment. "Look, we were gonna tell you guys." Reed said. "When were you gonna tell us? When you've moved our stuff out of the Baxter Building?" Johnny asked, Garth nodding in agreement. "Look, Johnny, this really isn't a good time." Sue interjected. "Kid's got a point, Reed. You should have told us." Ben spoke. "Yeah, we need to discuss those sort of things as a group first, eh?" Garth added. "All right, all right, that's enough! We'll talk about this later." Reed cried. "What the hell is wrong with you people?" Hager then asked, which made Garth look at him. "Personal stuff, General. Please stay out of this." Garth said, pointing his right index finger at him twice, as the he opted neared thier destination.

And that's the sixteenth chapter! I know it was a short one, and sorry, but I've just been lacking the will to write at the moment. I plug in the Garth and Lily bit at the last minute, to fill in the chapter a bit more. Once again, she gives Garth good/beautiful advice! I got some of the words from "Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-li day Adventure". I hope you enjoyed it, and I kind of felt the London Eye part should take up a whole chapter, not sure. Not sure when the next chapter will be out soon, but I do have exams coming up, so please be patient.

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